Chapter 34: Love?

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Lou's POV:

I took the tunnel to get back to the house, hoping that Ryan would be asleep. But I knew, damn well, he wasn't, because I was obviously missing.

As soon as I arrived, I immediately shut the metal door slowly and carefully trying not to make a sound and I succeeded.

"I'd so be great if I was one of the girls in totally spies!" I whispered to myself as I turned back and made my way out of the door to climb the stairs on my tip toes.
But I froze when I saw him, Ryan, sitting on the couch watching me, like he was looking into my soul. And he didn't even need my answers to know where I was.

"You were with him weren't you?" His voice was so calm and void of emotions yet scary and disappointed too.

"Y-yes..." I sighed shamefully, not wanting to lie to him anymore and not able to say anything else. And with that, I went upstairs and locked myself in the guests room, in which I was asleep for the first few days when he found me in the woods.


I haven't had a proper conversation with Ryan in two weeks, and today was the day Simon gets out of the dungeon.

I was getting ready and ate breakfast before Ryan could enter the kitchen and make it even more awkward. I rushed outside towards the cells. Yes I know now where the cells are located in the territory, they're on the West borders.

On my way, I couldn't stop thinking of how Simon, Maya and I were going to spend our day. We told Theo to join us but he insisted to keep Ryan company because they had some unfinished business with the other packs.

As I arrived to the dungeon I saw Maya and Theo waiting outside.

"Yes it's today. He's on his way." I heard Theo say to one of the guards, and when I approached them they all looked at me, then behind me, then back at me.

"What's wrong?" I asked, turning to see if someone was behind me.

"Where is the Alpha?" Maya asked me.

"Like I know." I said sarcastically. I didn't want to talk to him, I was giving him the painful silent treatment to let him think about what he has done.

'Here you are, sounding like his mother. And how did he respond to that "treatment" so far?'

He's awfully quiet too, it's like he's also giving me the silent treatment but with glares that show how pained he is.

"You do know we need him to free Simon, right?" Theo said in a tone of obviousness.

And stupid as I am, I didn't know any of that.

'I'm not surprised. You're too naive.' Can everyone stop saying that?

"WHAT?" I ask shocked. And then it hit me. That's why he didn't wake up early like he usually does.

"Motherfucker..." I whisper to myself as I literally turn around and head to the house without even telling them a thing.

A little moment later and here I am, barging myself in, smacking the door to the wall and looking furious as ever. If I was in a cartoon, you'd be seeing some steam coming out of my nose and ears.

"Come on! We need you." I say as loudly as I can and see him sitting on the couch calmly, watching the plain wall, probably daydreaming because no normal man would find a wall this interesting.

But then I remembered, he is no normal man.

"Finally you talk to me after two fucking weeks?" He huffs and manages to turn around and face me.

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