Chapter 20

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Chapter 20

"Bart had been detected! The Flash's immune system sent data-antibodies to take him down!"

"What!?" Your eyes flew wide open in alarm as you thrust your head over Wally's shoulder, staring fearfully at the computer screen, across which number combinations were spawning wildly, out of control. Maybe you didn't understand a single thing of what was written, but you certainly did understand that Barry's processing had agitated dangerously, which meant your beloved speedster was in danger. "Get him out of there before he gets hurt!!"

The Kid Flash shook his head regretfully, although he seemed as frantic as you. "He has to shut that operation down first!" Watching the digits intently, he murmured, "Come on Bart, you can do it--"

You held your breath nervously before suddenly, for a brief, tense moment, the frenzied numbers stopped. Although, when they came rushing back in, they were even crazier, somehow appearing exponentially faster than they had earlier. It was as if they were panicking, and let me tell you, that panic was contagious. "W-What's going on!?"

However, Wally didn't seem to be reacting quite the same way as you were. In fact, a large, goofy grin was spread all over his face. "Yes! (Y/N), I don't know what you did to make Bart so smart, but he's a genius!!" At your confused expression, "I didn't even think of that! He unlocked access to the operation! So I can shut it down from here!"

You let out a slight gasp, your eyes brightening in hope. "S-So he succeeded? You can get him out of there now!?"

He didn't have to reply for you to know that he was already on it. He started pounding furiously at the keyboard, his eyes darting rapidly from his fingers to the computer before him and back.

After a long moment, letting out a chuckle, the redhead leaned back in the office chair, arms crossed behind his head, and a smug, satisfied look on his face. "Bart's been successfully outfiltrated!" ...A sudden, nostalgic expression fell over him at his own words, but that only lasted a brief second. Before you knew it, his confident grin was back, making you wonder if your mind had played a silly trick on you.

"He's safe in the USB key." Wally's remark jolted you out of your pondering, and earned an actual squeal of happiness from you as you hastily pulled the device out of the unconscious speedster's forearm and stuffed it into Bart's case. Picking up the lightweight, black box in your hands, you stared eagerly, hopefully, impatient to see the hyperactive boy again.

Your voice, shaky with excitement; "Impulse Program, launch."

Mere moments later, the male's matter made its entrance in the physical world, and rapidly took on the speedster's physical traits. Including that wide, goofy grin of his that you had gotten so irritated at a supposed eternity ago, when you had first met.

Your heart soaring with happiness and relief, you let out a half-giggle, half-sob, your emotions clearly mixed and messed up from all of this recent traumatic drama. Without giving even a hint of a warning, you ran over, tackling him into a big, warm, tight hug. "Bart!!"

Chuckling, he gratefully accepted and returned the embrace, joking, "Missed me (Y/N)?"

"You have no clue." A frown touching your lips, you murmured sadly, "I... I was scared that something was going to happen to you..."

"Aww, (Y/N)." A hand, reaching down carefully to cup your soft cheek, and prompting you to look up at him. Those green orbs of his that you loved so much, staring back down at you with fondness. "I'd never leave you alone." A shy smile grew on your lips as he continued, "Not when I have these feelings for you. (Y/N), I love--"

A mechanic, dull buzz providing from nearby caught your attention, making you turn away from the handsome boy. His eyes widened in awe when, "Gramps!!"

He rushed over to the older speedster, who had just straightened up from his slumped position against the chair, bringing a hand to his head with a low groan. Beneath his bright red mask, two eyes blinked sleepily, before squinting as their owner suspiciously eyed his unfamiliar surroundings. "Ugh... Where... Am I...?"

"You're safe!" Bart's exclamation immediately earned Barry's attention. "And I'm your grandson, Bart Allen!"

"Grandson?" The taller male shakily got to his feet, reaching out for the chair to stabilize himself. Giving your friend a perplexed look, "...I don't have a grandson. Heck, I don't even have kids!"

Bart, quick on his feet -and with his mouth too-, was about to bounce off another reply, but Wally cut him off, earning a pout from his cousin. "Family reunions can wait Bart." Turning toward Barry, "I've deactivated your virus sweep operation." You had been so busy fretting over Bart, you hadn't even noticed the redhead's doing-so.

The Flash nodded slowly at this, before furrowing his brows. "Why?"

"Because you were about to take these two away from me." You finally made yourself be known, stepping forward and wrapping your arms protectively around your two companions' shoulders. You met the costumed man's gaze steadily, your own burning with determination and resolve as you admitted openly, "Bart and Wally are altered, as you put it, but they're also the best people I've ever known. And don't give me that crap about them not being people since they don't have emotions or whatever," you harshly snapped when he opened his mouth to speak, "because guess what? They do!! These speedsters can have feelings and dreams if you give them a chance, if you don't constantly step down on them and treat them like slaves! They can have something worth living for!! So," your rage was getting the better of you, making you boldly go over to the taller person, pointing a finger threateningly at his chest, "if you aren't going to leave my friends alone, get. Out. Go back to your pathetic little Speedsters Incorporation building and tell them, in their damn faces, that I am not about to take your shit, and that I will make a stand for those whom I care about, those who accept and understand me, unlike this bloody, corrupted excuse of a SOCIETY!!"

Those last words came out as a furious screech more than anything else, and had you panting slightly as you glared at the legendary speedster with all of the hate you could muster, all of the hate you had in you. Hate for the horrible people that had programmed those Kid Flashes to kill off so many families a few years ago, hate for your classmates that saw their Impulses as mere toys, hate for your twisted teacher that had scarred Bart with her vicious words, hate for the world that surrounded you, that would never understand, nor even bother trying to, how amazing the speedsters were. The world that was, as it always had and always would, labeling you as a weirdo and pushing you away because of your differences, one of them being that of having an open heart toward these programs.

These programs, that were so much more human than humans themselves.

Even when Bart's hand came to reassuringly squeeze your shoulder, you didn't tone down one bit. But you knew he was on your side. His eyes held an angry, dangerous spark that you had never seen in them before. Defying The Flash himself like this was horribly stupid and surely was the equivalent of signing your death note, but neither of you cared. You two knew that together, you could accomplish anything, and would go down fighting if you had to. You were invincible, with this strong, powerful bond that connected you. This bond, greater than anything the world had seen in years, ever since love's true meaning had been shitted all over.

Barry was quietly staring back at you, his gaze calm and thoughtful. Not a single sound was uttered, maintaining this heavy silence. ...After a moment, he slowly turned so he faced both Wally and you. There was a ghost of a smile on his lips. "Boys? What about we all go tell that to the Speedsters Incorporation together?"

Your eyes widened gradually in pure disbelief as you processed what he had said, jaw dropped. Wally, who had been frozen by shock by your bold confrontation until now, finally spoke up, bringing light to your doubts. "Y-You mean--?"

"Yep." The Flash rested his hands on his hips, giving off his wide, signature grin. "Let's go end this."

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