Thanksgiving pt. 2

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"Yes mom, I got back safe," I got out of the car, "I'm just gonna spend the night at my dorm." I grabbed the leftovers out of the back, "I will update you on how Kate is doing, I love you, okay," I walked along the row of townhouses, "Bye bye." I hung up.
I fumbled through my keys trying to find the right one, a golden one that Jordan had given me my tenth time spending the night.
I finally found it and walked in, "My parents still think that I'm going to be a lawyer and that I'm going to get a husband one day," I said walking into the kitchen and flipping on the light switch, "So all is good in Addie world."
I didn't get a response so I headed into the den where she had the lights dimmed and was pouring red wine. I smiled, "What is the special occasion?" She stepped closer to me and handed me a glass, "My beautiful girlfriend returning back to me." She sniffled and her eyes were pink. Even in the dim light I could tell she was pale, "Are you feeling okay?" I asked sitting down my glass of wine.
"I am feeling great, there's still time for us to order sushi and maybe we could-" she stood up for about two seconds before she sneezed.
"You really don't look well." I said putting my hand on her forehead.
"I feel fine Addie, you're being ridiculous," She said kissing my forehead then she went to give me a kiss but I stopped her. "Um no, you're not getting me sick too." "Don't tell me no," she took a step back "and I'm not sick." She crossed her arms. I pulled her closer to me by her tie and began unbuttoning her shirt. Looking up at her with a smirk, "What do you say you just go put on something more comfortable and eat some of the leftovers my mom sent? I'll bring you medicine." She sniffled, "I'm supposed to take care of you not the other way around."
I began turning her in the direction of the stairs "You can once you get feeling better babe." I slapped her butt as she started up the stairs which earned me the death glare but I just smiled and headed towards the medicine cabinet

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