A Party To Last Forever

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“Guess who.”
Owen had to smile when he heard that vice. “Hello, baby,” he almost moaned and drew her around by her hand. She'd opened the door and he was going to bask in the openness. He settled his free hand on her hip. “I've been looking for you all night.”
Arizona huffed. “You can't be serious. You're not choosing this this piece of trash over me, over every other girl who has thrown themselves at you from school, are you?”
Since Owen hasn't even looked away or speed smiling at her, Seforine answered for him. “Did it ever occur to you that, maybe, I was the reason he never touched you or anyone else? And I don't know how many of you threw yourselves at him, but don't you think that makes you, oh I don’t know… kinda, skanky?”
The other girl’s jaw dropped. “How dare you!” She screeched and charged.
Seforine was ready though, she pushed Owen to the side and caught Arizona on the chin with her fist. She was sent flailing back into a few of her cheerleader harpy followers, sending them down into a patch of wet, muddy, grass. They got up glaring at her and crying about their super cute or favorite piece was ruined because of her. Arizona just stood there shaking in anger.
“Do you want more?” Seforine called out.
Owen didn't want the drama, so he slid his arms around the woman of his dreams and whispered into her ear, “come on, beautiful. There's a beach calling your name and I'm just doing to hold you against me for a while.”
She spin on him and pulled him down to kiss the ever living shit out of him. It took a minute for the shock to wear off, his dreams had all come true in 5 minutes, after all. But, when his brain registered that this was real, he kissed her back with more passion than he'd ever felt. She pulled away and smiled, taking his hand she began to lead him to the sand.
“Maybe she’ll remember this next time she tries to steal someone else's man.” She laughed.
How she could lead him and finish a coherent sentence, he never quite figured out. He'd been stumbling over his own feet and tripping over the same thought for the whole walk. He so wasn't ready for her to stop suddenly and begin to sway against him to the best of the music, her body so close. His hands were lead to rest on her hips and he held on like a life line.
Her head came back to his shoulder. “You're not very good at this, are you?” She purred.
“No,” he choked. “But you are. Very good.”
She laughed and turned to wrap her arms around his neck. Together, they just swayed in place. The world around them melting away, it was just the two of them that existed. If they were to look around at their fellow partygoers, they'd see a group watching them far too closely, and hear a discussion that was very sneaky.
“Not bad, for a bunch of jocks.” Naomi smiled, watching her best friend finally have her night.
Rodger shrugged. “We just threw the party of a lifetime.”
“You can say that again.” A clean Arizona agreed. She'd brought a change of clothes for the reason of the wet patch. The fight was all part of the plan to get this result. Seforine and Owen were just the only ones not in on the plan, that's why there was absolutely everything two teenagers needed for a night of magic. Add that to the tent on his truck and everything was perfect.
“And can we hear it for my girl!” hooted Craig. “Wasn’t she amazing? The way his arms went up!”
Naomi shot them a scolding look. “We ain’t here to tease people. This whole charade and team up was to get them to where they are. They had to get here before it was to late.”
“And you’ve done just that, you crazy, beautiful, mastermind.” Her boyfriend, Eli, whispered soothingly behind her.
“Oh! Oh! Oh, you guys!” Arizona cheered. At her pointing they all looked back to the couple of the night.
Seforine’s fingers had wound their way up and into Owen’s shoulder length hair, he was the only athlete with any type of hair to play with. She was slowly pulling him down, as if she were nervous, our giving him time to pull away. He saw the fear in her eyes, the first kiss they'd shared was spontaneous, a spur of the moment kinda thing, this one was one she wanted and wasn't sure he wanted it too. He wanted her to know there was no doubt in his mind what he wanted, so he closed the distance between their lips softly. She wasn’t expecting his reaction and gasped, opening up for him. He gently took what had been his heaven’s open gate, searching all of her, relishing in her warmth.
Later, when the fire died and the food had been eaten, the drinks ran dry and the music lost it’s beat, Seforine and Owen crawled into the bed of his truck together. In the cozy space, they're bodies pressed tightly. There wasn't much room for anything else side by side the way they were. Owen tried, tried very hard, to keep a respectful distance, but her body was just so soft and warm and called to him. At least that’s how it felt. Their lips had barely parted since the beach, but he broke away now. No matter how much he wanted her, he'd do this right.
“Sef, hold on,” he groaned.
She slowly ran hers through his hair, not pulling him back in, but not waiting to touch him either. “I can’t believe this is happening.” She whispered.
“I'm sorry, baby. I just can't… I want to take this slow.” He explained, kissing her hair.
She smiled. “That’s not what I meant.”
“Will you tell me?”
“Well, only hours ago, I was watching you with Arizona, and I was telling Naomi how much I was going to miss you. Now? Now, all my dreams from the past ten years are coming true.”
“What's dreams?” He asked, confused. “Will you tell me them all? I promise to make them all come true.”
“Owen, you have been my dream. Every night is filled with you, wishing I was in your arms. Hoping the next time we passed in the hall, I'd catch your eye. All I've ever wanted was everything that has happened tonight.”
He couldn’t help but smile. “Oh, Sef, next time you want me to do something, just say so. We've been circling each other for years, both wanting the other. I've been dying for you too.” He said before taking her lips again. “But, we need to take this slow. There's no need to rush. I don't want to regret anything.”
“I’m just happy to be here with you.” She whispered and laid her head on his chest.
“I’ll always be here for you as long as I can call you mine.”
“Then we'll be together forever.”

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