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Yasir stood by one of the large open windows in the lecture hall his eyes closed, as he tried to take in large breaths in order to get the smell of the wet soil.It was raining outside and from the sound of the raindroplets hitting the roof he could figure out that it wasn't quite heavy.

He loved rain.He loved each and  everything about it.The sound was like music to his ears,the rain pelting against surfaces always made a sound that reminded him of the greatness of Allah.He loved the feel of it too.The tiny drops of water hitting against his skin would awaken a new sensation in him and he shivered just at the thought of it.And the earthy scent?Don't even ask.

Unfortunately,he could not go out in the rain today.He did not want to get sick considering he was in a new country miles away from home.No one would take much care of him here,in case he got a cold, which he always did whenever he got drenched.

He smiled at the thought.Back at home, Hisham would always take him to the garden whenever it rained despite their mother's numerous protests.He would then stand next to him quietly allowing him to enjoy his moment.He really missed his brother.

He stood there for a few more minutes he eyes still closed as his mind wandered off to a distant memory...


The imam had just completed the Jumah prayers and from the many voices,Yasir could make out that everyone was rushing for the door.He continued sitting on his chair in the corner,patiently waiting for Hisham.

He loved coming to the masjid on Fridays.In the beginning, his parents were skeptical about it but after the Imam arranged for him a chair,nothing stopped him from religiously attending all his Jumah prayers.

He patiently waited making dua, knowing very well that his brother must have bumped into a friend and was chatting his time away.He would  later come  apologising and tell him how some 'uncle' had gotten hold of him and wouldn't let him go.This was a norm every Friday.

He immediately opened his eyes when he heard the familiar sound of raindroplets hitting the roof.They were just around two or three and he knew that it had just begun to rain.Excitement coursed through him and he couldn't wait for Hisham to come back.

He waited a bit longer as the rain grew heavier but his brother still hadn't come.Yasir could not wait any longer.He picked up his cane from the floor and made his way out of the masjid.He had come here many times  so he knew his way inside it.

He knew that he was now outside the masjid from the feel of the coarse gravel under his cane and feet.He had come out barefeet since he did not know where Hisham had placed his shoes.

He continued walking further and further as the rain heavily pelted on his back.It was the most amazing feeling ever.He continued walking by tapping his cane on the gravel, a calm sensation coursing through him.He could feel the mud on his feet and he knew his trousers must be way muddy by now.

He could mentally hear his mother screaming at him already and he smiled widely just at the thought.

The rain began to get heavier and heavier and he almost slipped when his foot went into a puddle.The rain was too heavy now and he could hardly even breathe.He immediately began to panic ,tapping his cane on the ground but many at times it just got stuck in the mud .He had carelessly just walked in no particular direction and right now he was lost.And he was blind.


A young woman entered through the masjid's back gate which had been reserved only for women.She had a large umbrella in her hand and she walked briskly since she was already late for her afternoon islamic class and secondly it was too cold.There was a strong wind and the ends of her hijab kept hitting her face.

As she scurried across the masjid grounds,she did not fail to notice Yasir standing in the middle tapping his cane around.What was he doing near the women's section?Was he lost?

She was confused on whether to help him or not.What if he was standing there on his own will?Also it was not appropriate for her to go to him.

She stood there for a while,in the rain watching him just to make sure that he was okay while still contemplating on whether she should go to him or not.Her resolve immediately broke when she saw him shiver.

She quickly rushed to him and placed the umbrella in his empty hand.


"Asalam aleikum brother,here take this."

Yasir immediately felt a metallic object in his hands followed by relief from the pelting rain.

"Waleikum salam.JazakAllah sister.Sorry but i think i am lost.Can you get me some help?"

But there was no reply.Its like she had had just vanished.

No answer.

After giving him the umbrella she had sprinted across the ground, her abaya all muddy.

She quickly rushed to the madrassa and called little Abdalla.She had taught a few times at the madrassa so she knew most of the kids there.

After explaining things to him and getting him an extra umbrella from the store, she sent him to Yasir.

Yumnah watched from a distance as little Abdalla led Yasir towards the men's section of the masjid.

She heaved a sigh of relief  after which she headed to her class all muddy but worst of all, extremely late.

Her Ustadha was definately going to be furious.

The rain had stopped.Yasir opened his eyes and sighed.He had never known who that lady had been and he doubted that he would ever know.It was now three years since that incident.

And to think that he still had her umbrella somewhere in his closet.He had never felt like giving it away despite Hisham's numerous attempts at giving it away because it was pink which apparently was a girly colour.

He had decided to keep it, with some little hope that maybe someday he would be able to give it back to her and also thank her for that day.

He decided to keep it safe till then.

Little did Yasir know that not only did he own her umbrella, but her heart as well.




HER BLIND HUSBAND ( A Wattpad Featured Story)Where stories live. Discover now