The Spooky Boy Wonder

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"I think you need a hero outfit," Wally told Danny who was on the ground coloring in a coloring book.

"Why? Batman said I can't be a hero until I'm bigger," Danny said picking up the red crayon.

"Because so you can work it in until you do, you could be partners with batman or even Robin, he became Robin when he was 9," Wally told him.

"Stop corrupting the child," Roy crossed his arms and the rest of the team walked in.

"But I'm 8, so batman would let be be a superhero like him when I'm 9?" Danny put the crayon down and grabbed green.

"Not top dog like him but more like us, second best," Wally said proudly.

"I can be like you guys?!" Danny gasped happily.

"Where's this conversation going?" Conner asked.

"Wallys trying to convince me to have a hero outfit," Danny shrugged.

"My friend, would batman approve of this?" Kaldur looked at Wally.

"I'm sure he wouldn't mind, let's go shopping!" Wally exclaimed and Megan squealed.

"I know the cutest outfit," she clapped her hands and Danny paled.

"Roy! Arty! Don't let them!" He ran and clung on roys leg for dear life.

"Oh I have the perfect idea for you!" Roy exclaimed with fake enthusiasm in a high pitch voice.

"No! Not you too! Conner!" Danny flew over to him and hung off his back.

"Save me!" Danny hid behind him.

"What if I choose your outfit?" Conner said with a smirk.

"I'm surrounded by Fangirls!!" Danny yelled.

"Oh come on it won't be that bad," Megan smiled at him.

"Oh yes it will!" Danny crossed his arms sitting on one of conners brood shoulders.

"To bad kiddo," Artemis smirked at him and he groaned.


"No," Danny said flatly as he was wearing a bright green suit with silver boots and gloves like kid flashs uniform just different colors.

"Oh but I like it," Wally whined.

"Batman will destroy you," Danny narrowed his eyes.

"Next costume!"


"Can't I copy super boys outfit? Not this?!" Danny looked at the outfit in disgust. It was just like robins uniform but neon green and white pants.

"Burn it!" Danny declared.

"But it's adorable," Megan cooed.

"Absolutely not," Artemis crossed her arms.

"Oh thank god," Danny blew out a breathe.

"And what's up with you people with neon green and white?" Roy walked in.


"Roy... You will forever be taking me shopping," Danny smiled at him and Roy looked at the outfit he choose proudly.

He was wearing a black t shirt with a silver stripe on each sleeve and around the neck.

He had black hologloves like Robin that ending in the middle of his fore arms.

He also had a silver belt with black pants and grey combat boots that went to his knees and black straps around them.

Danny looked in the mirror doing silly poses.

"You know, it's missing a few things," Artemis walked up.

She put a symbol on his chest that was a large D with a little P on the inside and had a rocket like design.

She fitted a domino mask exactly like robins on his face and a cape on his back like batmans with the bottom and all black.

"Wow!" Danny smiled in the mirror.

"He had no color though," Megan looked at him.

"My green eyes? Or what about my powers?" Danny held up a little green ecto blast in his hand.

"I look so cool!! I could totally be batmans and robins second side kick!" He did a high kick to no one.

"I'm phantom! The halfa of Gotham! Allies with batman and robin! Robins sidekick! The spooky boy wonder!" Danny punched the air and turned around to see Wally video taping it.

"Pfft!! That was adorable!" Wally laughed and showed Conner and kaldur the video making them both smile.

"I'm sending it to the batcave and Robin," Wally did so while giggling. Soon he got a text back from Robin.

"Kicking butt. On a mission. What have you done to my brother?" Wally read out loud and started to laugh again and soon was on the ground laughing his ass off.

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