1. The First Meeting

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 The day is passing by normally while I play with my 5 month old Wolfhound puppy named (Y/D/N). You try to do a full hour of training but that always just turns into you getting frustrated because as normal she just wants to play around. As puppies do. You're rolling around on the ground with her when suddenly you are distracted by the voice of a producer in your apartment.

"So, (Y/N), we have gotten his side of how you two met but we wanted to hear your side to the story." The producer continued. "We're all so curious to see how alike they are. Would you mind telling us?"

While they are adjusting the settings on their camera and making sure the audio isn't messed up I started to think about how surreal this is. You have a mini crew following you around a lot lately because they are doing a mini series on your boyfriend's life off the ice.

"10 episodes babe! Just 10. It will go by so quickly" your boyfriend said while trying to convince you to agree to be on the show. "I'm sure you won't even be filmed that much."

Cut to now, and they practically live here in my two bedroom apartment in Los Angeles. Luckily for me my roommate doesn't mind since she stays a lot at her boyfriend's place and when she is at the apartment with me the only time she gets filmed is if he is in town and we are out going on fun little adventures.

He flies back and forth for work while I stay here for my job. They have two little crews so that we can both give them content for the episodes while we aren't together. I really don't get what is so exciting about our lives. Especially outside of his job. I mean we're super normal I think. Just two weirdos falling inlove.

"Ok, (Y/N), we're all set. Now, how did you two meet?" they all stare at me while I continue to play with (Y/D/N) and answer their question.

"Well, uh, let's see. It started back at the end of January this year. I was volunteering at the NHL Allstar events that were being held here in Los Angeles."

Los Angeles, Ca - January 2017

I walk from the parking garage at Staples Center to start another day at my short new gig at NHL Allstar Week, still in complete awe that I get to be here. This is such a dream to get to work in the NHL any way I can.

You have been assigned VIP gift bag; which involves assembling them and distributing them to the guests that come to pick them up. They aren't any of the players or celebs that attend but you do work where they make all of their gift bags as well too.

You see so many of your favorite players' bags they are assembling and just chat with the people while they make them. The players get special hats for their teams and really amazing reebok and new adidas gear, as well as so much more. Maybe you can get some fun freebies if they have anything extra left over.

Then he shows up. He walks in to get his bag. What you have noticed is normally the players send down their manager or anyone else they brought along with them so they didn't have to cause a hysteria with all the fans. But not this guy. He walks around to the table near you to gather his gifts and introduces himself to everyone here. I'm watching him do this. He is incredibly polite. Eye contact and handshakes or hugs for everyone, along with some mini conversations. You have a slight smile as he gets closer to you.

"Hey, I'm Tyler. Thank you so much for helping get everything together down here." He locks eyes with you and reaches for your hand. You smile and grab his hand. His smile is adorable and his eye contact is even better than you thought. You really find someone even more attractive when they make great eye contact, especially when you just meet them.

"Hi, it's no worries at all. I'm (Y/N)." You give him another smile and start building more gift bags. But he continues standing there with you so you look back up at him. "Sorry, did you want to talk more" you ask and he just lets out the biggest laugh that is so infectious that you start laughing as well.

"I would love to keep chatting. Can I help you put some of these little bags together?" Tyler asked.

You smile again. He must want to hide away from doing interviews so he is trying to do anything he can to be busy. "I mean, go for it." You give him a little wink and you just hope your (Y/E/C) colored eyes sparkled or something so it looked cute and not like you have a twitch.

Tyler blushed a little after you winked and immediately looked down to start making a gift bag with you. The two of you just laugh and chat until he finally gets shooed off by his manager.

"Well it's been fun (Y/N). Maybe I will see you again this weekend" Tyler smiles.

You give him a small smirk, "Yeah let's hope. Good luck with all the events later this week."

"whoa, don't say it like you won't see me before then. I know where to find you so I can bug you." this time he winked at me and I was the one to blush.

"Jesus, stop flirting with the poor girl and come on. You have like 3 interviews that I had to swap with McDavid so you could come down here." his manager said. Poor guy, has to wrangle this guy on a daily basis.

You just start laughing, "okay see you later then, Tyler"

He smiles as he waves goodbye to you.

I wrap up telling how we met, "and yeah that is about it. We saw each other a few more times that week and then just kept in touch. Completely friendly but very flirty, but a few months later we started dating and now I have a crew in my home filming me." I laugh and the crew joins me.

"Well that was actually a lot like his. I'm pretty shocked. Usually the guy tries to look cooler than he really is." The producer joked.

"I'm surprised the little shit didn't act like I chased him down." I smiled thinking of him. I missed him so much when he was out of town.

"Wait!" you shot out of your thoughts. "What's the time??" You look for your phone.

"3:55" The sound guy announces.

"shit! Come on (Y/D/N)! Time to take you out. Your papa's game starts in 5 minutes!" you say to your puppy as you grab her leash. Being on the west coast majority of the games are much earlier in the day and they sometimes still sneak up on you.

You run her outside to use the bathroom quickly so you can make it for the start of the game. Of course some of the crew came out with you.

"You all really didn't need to join me out here. She is literally just peeing and coming back in." I say to them.

"So you never miss a game?" the producer asks.

"I honestly try not to. If I can't watch it I will find audio so I can listen in." I smile thinking of how he is really and truly doing what he loves.

"that's amazing. oh and it just turned 4" the producer announced.

"AH! Pup, everyone, let's go!" You say as you run into the complex cracking up.

You get back into your apartment and turn the game on and the first thing you see is Tyler skating across the ice in warmups while the announcers discuss tonight's match up. He hilariously finds the camera that is on him as it zooms in on him. He does a little wink into the camera and this little eyebrow wiggle he does so you know he is saying hi to you.

You start smiling so big when he does this and (Y/D/N) comes and cuddles up to watch with you. Yes she literally watches the game. You love her but you miss Tyler's dogs so much too. When he is here for longer stays he brings at least Cash along with him. You are in such a zone watching the game you forgot about the camera until one of the crew members coughed.

Life has become so weird. You, your handsome boyfriend, all the pups, and just your normal camera crew watching your every move.

So. Weird.

Life with SeguinOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora