10. Snowy Morning

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You woke up the next day almost forgetting Tyler was there. Almost. Until he turned over in his sleep and was half on top of you. At first you were just in shock and annoyed then you slightly turned your head to the sweetest sleeping face you've ever seen. But the moment was ruined when he started snoring right in your face.

"hilarious, dickhead" you said and he just slowly opened one eye with a smirk.

He tried to give you pleading eye, "don't be mean to me. I had a hard night" he winked.

"okay fuck off" you laughed as the dogs all jumped back up on the bed after they heard you both from downstairs. "hi babies!" you both said in your puppy voices.

"Did you miss mama and papa?" Tyler said cuddling all four of the dogs. The dogs all started wiggling around between us both for as much love as they could until we got up and heading downstairs. All the dogs booked it back outside to play in the snowy backyard.

"good morning loves." Your mom greeted you both when you walked into the kitchen, "We heard you both waking up so we started making breakfast."

Jackie pulled you into her side, "we made you both some tea" she kissed your cheek and tylers. You both thanked them and through jackets and boots on to head into the backyard to enjoy the snow with the dogs.

Once you both made it out back Tyler cleaned off the chairs and you laid down blankets on them so you didn't freeze your literal asses off. "Smart idea, babe" he smiled at you. "Yeah it's like I grew up in cold weather" you said sarcastically and winked at him. Tyler let out his adorable belly laugh and nudged you but Gerry saw and blocked him from doing it again. "good boy, Ger" you laughed rubbing his head.

Tyler groaned, "the camera crew just texted letting me know they are a couple minutes away." You could tell he was over the filming so you just had to stay positive for the both of you because of the commitment you made. If you showed you didn't enjoy it anymore then he would tell them to fuck off and ruin an opportunity for him to bring new fans into the hockey world. Which the more fans the merrier.

You and Tyler were still wrapped up out back with your drinks and watching the dogs when you heard the crew come out. The dogs ran over to them so fast, tails wagging. At least the dogs were happy to see them. Tyler took in a deep breath then slowly let it out before kissing your forehead and standing up to greet them.

"hi there!" Tyler said flipping on his charismatic attitude towards them. "love that you are here, really do." And here comes the sass, "but can we not film on Christmas? Maybe just shoot us opening up one present each on Christmas Eve so that we can have some family time?" He smiled at the producers. Lucky for us the one that makes the decision is a female producer and Tyler's charm was working plus she had a soft spot for families. "of course! We wouldn't want to impose on your and Y/N's family time at all." She said to you both. Tyler smiled and came back to cuddle in closer to you and then whispered, "don't want to impose" he snickered and you laughed then turned to smile at the crew.

Now it was time to just go back to ignoring the crew and enjoying these moments you have with Tyler. You love Christmas and this year you get to spend it with every single person you love, which of course includes Tyler and his family. "I'm so happy about this holiday break" you said with a smile before sipping your tea, never breaking your stare out into the snow filled backyard where the dogs are rolling around together. Tyler turned his head to look down to you, "this is going to be my favorite holiday yet" he said with a childish grin. "I don't trust you" you said with a laugh. In the smoothest moment Tyler reached down and grabbed a handful of snow and tossed it at your stomach. "TY!" you yelled then sat your tea on the side table before running away from him and get ready for this massive snowball fight.

You could hear your families watching from the windows. "GO Y/N! GET HIM!" Cassidy and Candace were yelling out to you. "Why is no one on my side?!" Tyler yelled while trying to block your throws. Everyone started laugh but the men in the family started yelling out to cheer Tyler on, "THANK YOU!" he said back. The dogs started to think they were meant to chase the snow and began intercepting almost every single one thrown.

You were too busy laughing at the dogs when suddenly you were tackled to the ground in the easiest way possible. "What the hell? Tyler! You cheat" you somehow said while laughing hysterically at him. He started covering your face and neck in playful kisses as his way to apologize for the tackle. "gross!" your brother yelled out and everyone laughed then carried on with their lives since the snowball fight was clearly over.

You both laid their ignoring the cold and just enjoying being there with the dogs. "I can't get over how much I love this!" Tyler said with such excitement and you just looked at him with so much love in your eyes that you felt like your heart could burst. "I just love you so much. You understand, that right?" he smiled looking at you waiting for your response. "Of course, I do, my love. How could I not?" you smiled laying your head on his shoulder. "I just want to make sure." He smiled at you and continued to throw snow for the dogs. "I'm never buying them anymore toys. We will just have to freeze some snowballs so they can play with them all year round" Tyler said and you just politely nodded along and patted his shoulder, "okay sweetheart, because they will last in the Dallas heat" He looks around and tries to hold in a laugh but fails. Suddenly the whole quiet neighborhood is echoing with his beautiful infectious laugh.

"Tyler! You are going to wake up the whole neighborhood!" Jackie did a whisper yell into the backyard at him and we both just started laughing more when suddenly we got hit with two snowballs. Turning we saw it was Cassidy and Candace and then the snowball fight of all snowball fights broke out. More family bonding as the whole family ran out back for some fun before we all sat down for a lovely warm breakfast.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 07, 2019 ⏰

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