Twenty Nine

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"I'm so happy for you Roe. I told you it would work out," said Violet with suppressed glee as she folded me into her arms. She lifted me off the ground for a second and I let out a tiny yelp before wrapping my arms tightly around her. Troy's arms snaked around both of us from behind me and I leaned back into his chest. I tilted my head to look up at him and he gave me a warm, content smile. Bittersweet happiness shone in those eyes as they flitted between the present and the past. 

"I told you you'd find love somewhere else." I gave him a watery smile and felt tears prick the back of my eyes as I turned slightly to wrap my arm around him as well. Those words he'd uttered in the car that felt like a lifetime ago came echoing back. How right he'd been. 

"You know this calls for a celebration right," Violet asked with a devilish grin. It made her look like the rebellious teenager she was, but often curtailed for our sake. I often forgot the amount of trouble she used to get into before she met us. Even Troy stiffened from behind me, on guard immediately. He knew his girlfriend's plans were usually more dangerous than celebratory. 

"V last time you looked like that I almost died from a snake bite." I resisted the urge to laugh at that memory. It had been there two-month anniversary and she'd taken us on an unauthorized safari. Goodness that had been an eventful day. I laughed quietly to myself as Violet merely rolled her eyes in annoyance. 

"Relax. It's going to be fun. We'll all meet after Roe' shift at the rec center. And Roe, tell your boys as well," she said before pulling out her ringing cellphone. Troy kept trying to bug her into telling him what plan she had but she continued to swat him off playfully. It was getting closer to their 6 month anniversary and they still acted the same way they had when they'd first met. I was still standing in a bit of daze exactly where they'd left me, just watching them, right under the banyan tree.

My boys

Well I suppose they were my boys now. We were officially together as of last night. It was still hard to get used to though. They were mine, all three of them. It was like getting everything I'd ever been looking for, all at once. My heart couldn't handle it and my brain couldn't comprehend it. I suppose Christmas came a bit early with its gifts this year. 

"You coming Roe," called Violet with a knowing smile. Well I suppose she did know exactly how I felt. I resisted the urge to clunk my head against a wall for my absentmindedness and followed her to our first class.

The four of us were sitting in art class as the teacher continued to talk about abstract art in the 20th century. Normally, I would have been interested but my mind wasn't in the lesson today. My mind wasn't really anywhere today. I could only hope that this happy daze would fade soon enough. Alexei looked seconds away from shutting his eyes and I leaned forward to poke him in the side.

"Ow," he yelped as he sat up straighter. I giggled quietly at how adorable he was and his face softened as he looked in my direction. I glanced towards the teacher briefly. He still hadn't noticed anything.

"What are you looking at," I asked as I turned back to look at Alexei. He was still looking in my direction with a gorgeous, lazy smile on his face. I saw the hints of the daze I was in surround him as well. His black hair was chopped up and messy and without meaning to, I leaned forward a pushed a strand of hair off his forehead. If possible, his smile widened even further. His eyes were like molten bliss. 

"I was just wondering how the three of us got so lucky," he said with a dazed smile. The words echoed an honest truth that told me he wasn't just flirting. I felt a blush heat my cheeks and chasing butterflies inside my stomach. I quickly looked away from him before I did something ridiculous, like kiss him in the middle of class.

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