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Now I wish I could say that I met a cute guy last night, danced with him a bit, went home with him, and woke up in his t-shirt.

Unfortunately, none of that happened.

Instead, stupid and naive me decided to stand in the corner and watch Niall's live Instagram video for a solid 15 minutes. While I wasn't doing that, I was talking to cute guys wishing that they were Niall. And when they did ask if I could dance, I said no. Why? Because I felt guilty. Guilty that I would be 'cheating' on Niall.

Honestly, the highlight of my night were the drunk texts from Niall. To a fan girl, that doesn't sound pathetic. But to a college student at a frat party on Halloween night, it was very pathetic.

I know what I told Foley. I know I said that Niall and I weren't a thing. But I couldn't get him out of my damn mind last night. All I wanted was to be with him, but I knew that that wasn't plausible considering the fact that he's touring the world and that I'm simply a fan in college.

We lived two completely different lives and while our few days together were wonderful, they were most likely a one time thing. Especially that kiss.

Just as I was thinking about Niall (as usual), my phone went off, signaling a text from him. I immediately smiled to myself as butterflies filled my tummy while I opened up the text message notification.

To: Gabi
From: Niall
Shít darlin , sorry about those texts last night . Someone's gonna have to take away my phone next time .

To: Niall
From: Gabi
Lol, it's no prob. They were actually kinda sweet.

To: Niall
From: Gabi
Oh yeah ? Even though I was pissed drunk , I still meant what I said . You looked beautiful .

To: Niall
From Gabi
Thanks Niall. Means a bunch coming from you :) x

And it really does. Niall can get any girl he wants yet here he is, telling me that I'm beautiful? Now that made me feel something.

Today was terrible for Foley. He pretty much drank enough for the two of us last night. Foley of course skipped class so when I got back from mine, I spent the rest of the day with him on the couch watching movies while he recovered from his hangover. Thank god I wasn't working. Even though I didn't go hard last night, a break both mentally and physically was nice.

"Is your head feeling any better?" I asked as we finished This Is The End, the second movie of the day.

"A little bit" He nodded after taking a sip of water, "I've gotta recover quick. Your 21st is tomorrow and I'm making sure we celebrate right"

"Fole, you nearly died from alcohol poisoning last night and you're still thinking about drinking?" I questioned in disbelief.

"Honestly, the thought of drinking makes me wanna puke again. But I'll do it to make your birthday memorable" He grinned. My best friend was dumb as shít, but he was also the sweetest guy I knew.

"Really?" I chuckled.

"Hell yeah! I mean my 21st was incredible and I wanna make sure yours is too" He replied.

"You're sweet"

"I know. So pick out something hot to wear and be ready at 9 pm tomorrow. You're gonna drink til you can't remember anything and hopefully wake up in some cute guy's bed the morning after" He instructed, "Because, y'know...you didn't last night"

"Shut up!" I whined, smacking his arm. I had told him that my night was a bust and he of course has been teasing about it ever since.

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fan girl // niall horanWaar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu