8. Falling Blossoms

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As the date of the Hunting Festival drew closer, it seemed the majority of Aya's time was spent on one, avoiding the twelfth Prince and two, trying to escape the palace.

It was early morning and the gardens were bathed in pale sunlight. Sprinkles of rain collected on the Autumn flowers and plants, and even the grass seemed to glitter with dew. 

Yi Xuan stands with his back against the wall, arms crossed in front of his chest.

"Li-Ay-a..." He purposefully draws out each syllable of her name.

Aya freezes mid-motion, one leg looped awkwardly over the branch of an osmanthus tree. It was the third time this month that she'd tried to escape.

Her first try saw her swinging a pot wildly at a passing Eunuch, successfully rendering the poor man unconscious. With one hand covering her eyes, she managed to unbutton his upper garment and pull it over her own gown. She'd almost slipped out of the forbidden walls when the line of Eunuchs she was following came to an abrupt stop. A rough looking palace guard with a scar running from his nose to his upper lip lowers his wooden spear, using it as an effective barrier to prevent the Eunuchs from exiting.

"Where do you think you're going?" He sneers.

"We're running an errand for Eunuch Bai." The lead Eunuch seems to not be fussed, continuing to explain calmly. "I'm sure even a foot soldier like you is aware that the annual Hunt is drawing near. Our Great Emperor Yi expects nothing less than the finest rice wine from Chang'an to be transported to the festival site."

The guard curls his lip distastefully but doesn't budge from his position. He was under strict orders to have the palace under lockdown. According to his superior, one of the Emperor's many Concubines had lost an expensive piece of jewellery and no one was to exit unless it was found.

Growing impatient, the lead Eunuch takes a step forward, questioning in a nasally voice, "Are you ready to face the Emperor's wrath if the wine isn't delivered on time?"

The guard hesitates before grudgingly lowering his spear.

"Fine," he spits out between gritted teeth. "But we're going to have to search all of you before you go."

"As you wish," the Eunuch replies calmly, arms outstretched.

A trickle of sweat runs down Aya's neck as the line in front of her grows shorter. The guards were definitely not holding back from "searching". She could see them patting down every inch of the Eunuchs' bodies and feeling carefully around all the places that could potentially harbour hidden items. Her legs quiver as the guards pat down the flat chest area of the Eunuch before her. Aya's eyes fixate on the large, calloused palms reaching towards her own... Oh NO you don't! She takes a small step backwards, contemplating whether making a break for it would be a wise decision. Noticing her nervous reaction, the guard casts her a suspicious look. Just as Aya was about to turn and run, her back bumps into a solid object.

"What are you doing?" Yi Xuan questions over the top of her head, his grip on her waist firm.

"E-escaping," Aya answers honestly, almost biting her tongue as she realises what she'd just admitted to.

"Heh." The twelfth Prince lets out a dry laugh, his eyes narrowing. "Over my dead body."

There was no way that he was going to let her escape, not after she had caused him so much grief. For weeks on end, his bruised lower lip had been the talk of the palace servants. Instead of the usual fear and respect his presence commanded, these days, they would sneak peeks at his chin before bowing their heads and casting knowing glances at each other. The guards were at least discreet about their amusement. The palace maids, on the other hand, seemed to hold no reservations in giggling and whispering gossip whenever they thought he was out of hearing range. To add to Yi Xuan's annoyance, every time he spoke or ate, the partially healed wound would split open again, as though to serve reminder of what Li Aya had done to him. Which to this day, she was refusing to admit. Perhaps, she had tried to smother him to death while he was unconscious? Or more likely, held a knife over his face and "accidentally" slipped up? Regardless, he would find out exactly what her plan was and nip it in the bud.

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