Part 13

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Ben's POV

I turn to see the love of my life crumple to the ground and quickly yell for the guards to find any intruder as I panic. I lift her off the ground and run to my Aunt and lay Athena down gently. "What happened to her?" she asks looking terrified for my mate. "I don't know." I reply holding back tears. "She's going to be in this state for two days, it's her body reacting not only to the loss of her baby but also to prepare her to have more children." my Aunt sighs. 

I watch as my mate is hooked to different wires by my Aunt. "Ben, she is going to be fine. See all these wires." Aunt Helen asks. "They are there to look for any signs that she may have something wrong with her." she sighs. 

Without stopping I move a chair next to Athena and sit, taking her hand in mine as I watch her lifeless body, the only way I know she's alive is the constant beep of the machine next to her.


I miss you guys! My laptop's hard drive broke so now that I have a new one I plan to update as much as possible. Love you guys lots!

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