Chapter 28: Shot Through the Heart

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Technically Phoenix had nothing to do with Power Through, but no one was going to stop Candy Rosenblum's stepson from going anywhere he wanted, obviously, and when he began showing up on the set, he was provided with a chair and a beverage immediately, every time. It was Hollywood, after all, and people were used to romances beginning and ending like summer storms; Kelsey had broken up with Jack and was now "with" Phoenix, everyone knew this. He was probably going to accompany her to Rio for the location shooting, too.

No one but Kiki knew the details of their relationship, however. Kiki was staying in Los Angeles for a few months, working with a World Hunger Conference that was happening at UCLA, so Kelsey was able spend more time with her friend, and Kiki got firsthand details of what was going on between Kelsey and Phoenix.

"So no sex?" Kiki asked over wine one evening. They were at Kelsey's house. Mike the dog was enjoying Kelsey's fireplace, snoozing right on the hearth.

Kelsey shook her head.

"And Phoenix doesn't mind?" Kiki looked at Kelsey curiously.

Kelsey shrugged. "He minds, I guess, but he's not putting pressure on me. He's funny about sex, though. He's into that tantric thing? I don't know if that's what it's called, but it's that thing where you don't come right away, or ever, sometimes."

Kiki's eyes widened.

"He says that just being close can sometimes be better and more intimate than sex," Kelsey said, shrugging. "I don't really care, as long as I can keep my clothes on, you know?"

"But he does a lot of drugs, though," Kiki prodded.

"Yeah," Kelsey said, nodding. She tucked her legs under her. "That's okay, too, though, I don't mind drugs."

"But you and drugs don't go together very well, Kels," Kiki reminded her friend. "Some people can ride that horse, and some people end up with the horse riding them, and you're one of the second kind, you know that, right?"

Kelsey shrugged carelessly, pouring herself more wine.

Kiki sat up in alarm. "Kelsey? What's with the shrug? You're not getting high with him, are you?" At her friend's continued silence, she repeated herself. "Are you?"

"Maybe a couple of times," Kelsey admitted. "He has some great stuff, Kiki, seriously, things I've never heard of. No, listen," she insisted, when she saw Kiki taking a deep breath, getting ready to blast her with words. "It's all natural, grown in jungles and rain forests and stuff, not chemicals cooked up in someone's garage."

Kiki rolled her eyes. "Next thing you're going to tell me it's healthy and good for you," she said. She set her wine glass aside and spoke firmly. "It doesn't matter where it comes from, or how it's harvested or whatever, Kelsey Marie Carlisle, it's drugs, and you're getting high, plain and simple, and you can't do that."

Kelsey took a drink and looked at her friend, hurt. "I thought you'd be happy for me, you know? Glad I was moving on, moving forward and getting on with my life. And Phoenix is nice."

Kiki leaned forward and kissed Kelsey. "I am happy that you're moving on, my love, and that what happened to you last summer is fading a little bit, and that Phoenix is nice and all that, I am," she insisted. "But you can't expect me to be happy that you're getting baked again, on a regular basis, it sounds like?"

"Well, I'm seeing him now, so there's nothing you can do about that," Kelsey replied, more sharply than she'd intended. "And I'm going to ask if he can be my escort to the Prince's gala next month, too."

Kiki gave her another sharp look, but held her tongue.

The girls sat in silence for a while, neither one wanting to wade into choppier waters.

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