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When the door creaked open I prepared to either:

A) Be cussed out

B) Be kicked out

C) Both or one of us to die

The door pushed all the way open revealing a purple pajama'd 3 year old. Me and Colten let out a breath of relief. Lily's eyes widened.

"What are you guys doing?" She asked. I quickly grabbed my shirt and threw it across my chest. "Um, we were..." I trailed off looking at Colten for help.

"Um she had a bug on her shirt so she took it off and had me kill it." He said dumbfounded.

"Oh. Where's your shirt?" She asked gripping her teddy bear. He looked at me.

"Um he had to take it off to grab the bug. It was a spider." I said forcing a smile and laugh. "Oh. Well I want milk." She pouted.

"I'll get that." Colten said standing up awkwardly. He scratched the back of his neck. Lily smiled and started walking out of the room.

Colten got to the door then turned around. "Stay." He said before walking out.

When he did reality struck me. I cheated on Louis. I love Louis! He was an amazing boyfriend! No- No he still is! I was the one that was a good girlfriend. Until I let Colten kiss me.

Well did I have a choice?  Yes because I kissed him back. Gah!

But the weird thing is my lips didn't have anymore pain instantly. I threw on my shirt.

"Okay now you need to stay in bed okay? I have to make sure Ariana's spider is dead." "Night brother." She kissed his cheek and skidded off.

He stood up and caught me looking which sent my gaze to the floor with crimson cheeks.

"Why did you kiss me?" I asked. "I had to okay if we didn't we would both just be in more and more pain." "Explain why the hell I had pain then." I crossed my arms.

"You won't believe me." he rolled his eyes. "I will if you explain better." I said. I wanted an explanation. I needed one!

"I'm a wolf. Well werewolf, or Lycan or Loup-Garou whatever the hell you wanna call it." He said. "No your not." I scoffed. He signed and pinched the bridge of his nose. "Now give me a reasonable explination." I said again.

He growled and looked at me. His eyes have turned gold. His teeth have grown fangs that could easily kill me. And that's all. But I'm sure he is only showing me.

"What?" I manage. "Believe me now?" He said lowly like he could snap my neck any minute.

I nodded slowly. "Why did all of this happen? The pain the tingles?" I asked. "Because I'm your mate." He said looking into my eyes. His eyes were still gold and captivating.

"Why me? You hate me I hate you!" I exclaimed. His teeth bared back. He growled and tried to calm down.

Okay I really didn't hate him, but he wasn't the nicest person on the planet.

"You can't be with Louis." He said.

"Hell to the no!" I yelled. "Its not your choice." "If I want to be with a human and not a hairy dog then yeah I think that is my choice!" I said. He growled. I backed up on my bed.

"You can't fight it Ariana. You belong with me whether you or I like it or not!"

"I'm not dumping Louis I love him!"

"You love me. Deny it all you want I don't give a shit. You are destined to love me. And I'm destined to love you." "How am I supposed to love a guy like you? I don't even like dogs that much." I crossed my arms.

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