Chapter 19 The worst kind of person

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Or maybe I could keep the baby from him, at this point I wanted to keep it from everyone. For the past few weeks since the trail I had been barricaded in my room only to go out for food. Janie had come by a few times and banged on my door but I didn't let her in.

I spent most of my time eating and sleeping or watching daytime television. God if we went on jerry springer we might win the craziest stories contest.

It was early but I knew Janie would be here any minute to take me to my appointment. I haven't turned my phone on since court so I stayed in bed hoping she wouldn't come since she couldn't get ahold of me.

"Sadie Haskins get out here right now!" She yelled from outside the door. I stayed quiet hoping she would just go away. "I'm not leaving without you so get up!" Ugh I guess not.

I rolled myself off the bed and picked up a crumpled grey hoodie off the floor pulling it on over my head. I cursed and harshly ripped it off. I walked over to the window opening it and tossing the filthy material out. His t-shirts were still in my closet but I didn't have time to do this now.

"Ten minutes!" She yelled out, I had missed my last appointment and I know I need to go to this one for the baby's sake.

"I'm coming!" I yelled out, my voice raspy from crying and lack of use. Drake hasn't once come by and I took that as him giving up on me and the baby, which was fine by me. I tugged on some sweats and a pink t-shirt that was extended from my belly. I was fourteen weeks and it was finally starting to show.

My hair I tied back into something that almost resembled a bun and brushed my teeth. My face was pale and blotchy but I didn't care. I walked over and opened the door.

"You look like shit." She said. I gave her a flat look but I could feel the edges of my mouth turning up. After weeks without talking it was like she never left my side. I wrapped my arms around her and pulled her into me hard. She mumbled something about breathing but it didn't matter, I've missed her.

"I'm sorry I've been such a freak lately." I said releasing her from my vice grip.

"Please with everything that's going on I glad you didn't off yourself." I laughed and she linked my arm with hers pulling me out of my house and to her car.

We drove there talking about her and Todd and Greece and prom and the whole time I smiled trying to be happy but inside I was jealous. I was robbed of these things.

"Have you seen him?" I asked her and instantly regretted letting the words slip from my mouth. I don't care about him, I'm over him. I'm almost over him.

"No one has." Was all she said as we pulled into the parking lot. I saw the doctor who made me get my vitamins checked and told me I needed to leave my bedroom every so often.

Next was my ultrasound and Janie was going on and on about Finn. I couldn't say I wasn't a bit excited too but I kept those comments to myself. I wasn't willing to let myself date when my heart was still aching so badly. We walked into the ultrasound room.

"Hey Sadie it's- oh are you ok?" His face showed concern as heI took in my appearance.

"Just a bad morning." Or month. But hey who's counting. I smiled at him and shimmied myself onto the table.

He started everything and I was astonished at how much my little peanut had grown in the past six weeks. You could see the face and head. I was crying like a baby by the end of it and he printed two pictures for us.

"I hope this doesn't sound too unprofessional, but on Thursday nights I go to a singles meeting, would you like to join me?" I looked at him confused, wouldn't that defeat the purpose of a singles meeting? He must have seen my lack of understanding. "A single parents meeting." He clarified.

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