Shaken Part 1

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Of all the days to flake out on me, today was the worst. When my brother, Noah delivered the news over the phone that in a few short hours he'd be flying to London instead of helping me move, I nearly lost it.

"I can't believe you're bailing on me. You and Harrison were the only ones helping me today."

"I'm sorry, Liv." Noah's voice sounded strained. "You think it makes me feel good to leave my little sister in a bind? I feel terrible, especially since Mom and Dad are on their anniversary cruise. I know you were counting on me."

With my cell phone crooked between my shoulder and neck, I put the last of my sewing supplies in a large brown box and used packing tape to secure the top. "There's no way I can get a moving company on such short notice. Now it's all on me and Harrison."

"I'm surprised that loser agreed to help."

"Don't start."

Everyone knew my brother didn't like my boyfriend. After five years of dating, Noah thought Harrison had been stringing me along with empty promises. But Harrison lived three hours away, and long-distance relationships were difficult. Which is why I'd taken it upon myself to move from San Diego to Santa Clarita in order to be closer to him.

"He should have moved to you, not the other way around. The only good thing is I'll be here to comfort you when he breaks your heart." Strangely enough, Noah moved to Santa Clarita way before Harrison ever did. When the apartment next door to my brother became available, I jumped on the chance to move.

"You're one to talk, Mr. I'm-not-ready-to-settle-down with one woman. You could write a manual on breaking hearts." Inwardly, I kicked myself for saying that. He'd been engaged to Tess, but she'd moved on with someone else. That was probably the biggest reason for his concern. He didn't want me to get hurt like he'd been.

"It's not the same. I don't mislead any women. Everyone knows where I stand."

"Harrison isn't misleading me. He's just not ready for marriage yet." I sighed into the phone. "This isn't helping right now."

"Sorry." I know this isn't the time to voice all the reasons you shouldn't be with him."

"No, it's not. Especially since he's the only one showing up today."

"It's not my fault plans changed," he said.

"I thought you weren't leaving until Monday. What happened?"

"Jason had the travel agent change our flight without telling any of us. Apparently, there was a deal and he saved us money. I just found out last night."

I let out a groan. "And you're just now giving me a heads up? Why didn't you call last night?"

He paused. "Because I was working on finding a replacement to help you."

Maybe things weren't as bad as they seemed. Quite possibly he'd found someone else to help out, and although it wouldn't be the same as having my brother's help, it would have to do. I used a black, permanent marker to write Sewing Supplies on the box I'd just finished packing. "Who'd you get?"

"Don't freak out. He was the only one available."

"Who is he?"


My mouth dropped open for one heart-pounding moment. "Jax? As in Jax Hunter?"

"What other Jax would I be talking about?"

"You're not serious. Tell me this is all a terrible joke and you're five minutes away."

"I wouldn't joke about something like this, and I'm actually at LAX right now."

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