Chapter 57

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As soon as we reach the outside of the Cupids Matchmaking Service, something feels wrong. The door – usually shut to stop random humans from wandering in – is wide open, a crack forked across the glass.

Cassie and I share a look before stepping inside.

The bright reception area appears abandoned as we stride across it – but as we reach the stone reception desk my stomach clenches. Across its white surface is a crimson pool – reflecting the artificial lights buzzing above.


We hurry over and see the receptionist – a dark haired guy who I think is called Carlos – crumpled on the tiled floor. In a swift movement Cassie jumps over the desk, her black braid swishing whip like through the air. She lands beside him and places her fingers to his neck.

"He's alive," she says. She looks up at me. "Can't have been shot with a cupid arrow. Just knocked out."

I nod – darkness swirling around inside me. I want to feel relief that he'll be OK – but I can't; not when my friends are here, not when my boyfriend is here.

"Come on," I say urgently.

I start to move toward the glass panel door behind the desk. Cassie hurries beside me.

We step into the open plan office and my stomach seems to fall out of my body. My heart hammers against my chest.

"No..." the word falls out off my mouth.

Cassie stiffens beside me.

The lights are flickering on and off – giving a strobe effect to the scene of violence before us. Cupids are sprawled against desks, unconscious – or maybe even dead – on the floor. Blood stains the white tiles. Laptops are smashed and furniture broken.

"What has happened here?" I whisper in horror.

There's no point in asking that question, and I don't wait for Cassie to reply. I already know.


I start to run. I need to find them.

I need to find Cupid.

I need to find Charlie.

And Cal. Crystal.

Even Mino.

My eyes scan the room as I run – panic tightening my throat and constricting my chest.

Where are they? How has this happened?

"Find them!" I shout at Cassie. "Help me find them!"

"Lila – wait," says Cassie. "This isn't just Valentine's work. He couldn't have escaped alone. He couldn't have done all this alone. No matter how much his power is growing."

Valentine's Day : CUPID'S MATCH BOOK 2Where stories live. Discover now