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The sound of distant bells woke Alice.  She’d grown used to waking up each morning to the melodic chimes from the golden clock in the square, and she rolled over with a groan, gasping when she came face to face with a pair of electric blue eyes.

            “Mornin’” Altair grinned.

            Alice let out a breath and sank back onto her pillow, “Good morning to you too.”

            Altair propped himself up on one elbow and studied her face, “Startled you, didn’t I? You’re still not used to having a man in your bed.”

            “Don’t flatter yourself,” Alice scoffed and folded her arms over the thin cotton t-shirt she wore to bed. “You just startled me, that’s all.”

            “Do you find me terribly alarming?” He reached out and put a hand on Alice’s hip, sending tingles over her skin. “I’m flattered.”

            Alice was about to protest, but he leaned forward and pressed his lips against hers, kissing her firmly. She pulled away, and - seized by a fit of mischievousness – slid one leg over his stomach, straddling his hips and pinning his shoulders to the mattress.

            “Well now,” Altair grinned, “ I can’t say I mind…”

            “You talk too much,” Alice kissed him, but only gently, teasing, pulling away. Altair glared at her, licking his lips. “That’s not nice at all…”

            “But fun,” Alice whispered, “very fun.”

            He reached up and tangled his fingers in her hair gently, and she felt a pleasant chill run down her spin as he pulled her down onto his chest, placing one finger under her chin and tilting her face up to his, kissing her deeply.

            At last she rolled off him, sighing. “We best get downstairs, if we’re late we’ll get amused looks from Shakra and glares from Gabriel.”

            Altair rolled his eyes, “That putz. I feel sorry for Maya.”

            “Why?” Alice picked through her closet, trying to choose an outfit for the day, “because he’s crabby sometimes? You’ve the ability to be just as charming, believe me.”

            “No,” Altair threw the sheets off and sat up, and Alice turned to take in his slim muscular physic as he rummaged through the drawers looking for a pair of jeans.  He was turned away from her, but she liked looking at his back, tanned and freckled here and there, well defined in every way. He stood up, a pair of boxers in one hand, “No, I feel bad for Maya because I think Gabriel still likes you.”

            Alice frowned, “I don’t know about that. He seems to really like Maya.” She settled on a red silk blouse and a loose flowing black skirt with red ballet flats. “they seem really happy together.”

            Altair snorted, “Alice, honey, you have to know he settled. Not that Maya isn’t wonderful, and pretty in her own shy little way, but you turned the Elf down, and he rebounded right into her arms. He can’t stand me because I’m with you.”

            Alice bit her lip, guilt washing over her. She still remembered how awful it had been to tell Gabriel that they would never be anything more than coworkers. It had seemed to really hurt him, and he’d been angry with her for days. Could it be he still nursed feelings, or worse, resentment towards her? He was a friend she didn’t want to lose, and the idea of Maya somehow finding out and being hurt by it was horrible. The girl had already had too much taken from her.

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