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"This place is mine." He said impatiently.

First, he came late and now he's asking me to get up, no way! If he had asked me politely then I would have given him the seat but now, no.

"It's taken, you can find another one." I said and turned to take notes which the lecturer was writing on board.

"I said it's mine so, get up." He said gritting his teeth.

"And I said I'm not getting up you can find another one." He is getting on my nerves. It's just a seat why is he making such a scene there are other seat which are empty why can't he sit there.

"I'm asking one last time to get up." He literally shouted this time. There was some kind of dominance in his voice. The lecturer turned to us with a sigh, placing the marker on the table he came to my desk.

"Any problem, Ms Kings?" He asked me.

"It's my place." He answered. The lecturer nodded.

"Ms kings, take another seat and stop causing a scene unless you need detention." He said plainly.

Seriously! It's not even my fault and he is telling I'm creating a scene and threatening me to give detention.

I huffed in annoyance and kicked the chair, took my bag and sat in the third row. I'm hell angry with what just happened.
I hate this place.

I stormed out of the class room as soon as the class got over without even waiting for the lecturer to get out. I made my way to cafeteria, I'm still annoyed at what happened earlier. The cafeteria was busy, there was hardly any seats left.

I got my lunch and was about to take an empty seat.

"Em, I searched for you in your class but I couldn't find you." Nidori said. It's impressive, she was able to spot me in this crowd.

"I came out early than everyone." I answered placing my tray on table.

"Will you join us for lunch? You can make friends." She asked politely. To be honest, I don't want to have lunch alone but is it okay if I join them? Why not? let's give it a try.

"Is it okay with your friends?" I asked.

"Of course, they don't mind. Now, come." She took my hand and proceed to her friends table. I took my lunch tray in other hand and followed her.

There were seven people, three girls and four boys. I saw Dustin and to my dismay Carob was also sitting with them. We walked to their table and sat grabbing an extra chair from the other table.

"Guys, meet my new friend, Emma." Nidori introduced me.

"Hello." I waved at them.

"Hello, I'm Betty. Nice to meet you." A girl with black hair which was colored grey at the bottom said, she looked friendly. I smiled at her.

"This is Jasmine, kaira. And that is Dustin, Carob, Anthony and Sam." Betty introduced others to me. I waved at them.

"I know her, she's feisty." Carob commented smirking at me and I rolled my eyes.

"By the way, the kick was really good." Carob commented.

"Do you want one?" I asked him. Others laughed.

"Sure she's feisty." Dustin said.

"So, tell us about yourself, Emma." Betty asked resting her elbow on table looking curious.

"I'm first year Business Management. I lived in Australia, last week we moved here cause my dad is opening new company branch here." I repeated my story.

"Can I see your schedule?" Kaira asked and I gave my schedule to her.

"Nope, I don't have any class with you." Kaira pouted. Jasmine grabbed the schedule from kaira hand.

"Me too." Even she pouted.

"You have fifth hour with Betty and Dustin. And fourth hour with Nidori." Jasmine said.

The lunch went smoothly than I expected. My rest other two classes also went good because I had Nidori and Betty. Betty was really friendly. Dustin didn't involve much in girls matter and was talking to other guys but made his appearance in-between.


Dad picked me up after college, since it's a new place I'm still not familiar with the routes so until I get adjust here dad will act as my transport service.

"So, how was your first day?" Dad asked.

"Good and bad." I answered honestly.

"What is good and what is bad?" He asked while changing the gear.

"Good thing is I made few friends and bad think is I hate this place, the lecturer threatened me with detention when it was not even my fault." I said annoyed.

"Everything has good and bad, it's up to you, who must make choice between them and I'm sure my daughter will always make the right choice." Dad said proudly and I smiled at him.

We reached home, as soon as I entered pizza smell hit my nostrils. I walked straight towards kitchen and saw my mom making pizza. I love her so much she knows how to cheer up my mood.

"Em, how was your first day at college?" Mom asked while taking out the pizza from oven and my mouth watered.

"It was good and bad. I made few friends but still I don't like this place." I said and took a pizza slice. Ouch, it's hot.

"Don't worry, you will get use to this place."

"Now go and change." She said.

I went upstairs to my room. Our house is a two story building, it's big it has five bedrooms and little pool at the backyard, and beautiful lawn at the front.

I changed into comfortable clothes and Skype Ben and Nat.

"Hey Em. How are you? How was your first day? Did you make any new friends? Are they good? Did you find any hot guys?- " Ben bombarded with multiple questions.

"I'm good, Ben. Yes, I did make few friends and I think they are good. And no for your last question." I answered.

"Em, we miss you so much there is no fun here without you." Nat pouted, she was on the verge of tears.

"I miss you both too. How much I wished going to same college but unfortunately it's not happening." I said and they both nodded.

We chatted for two hours and I didn't see it was already dinner time. It felt good after talking to them. I went downstairs to have my dinner mom had set the table.

"Em, how was your first day?" My sister, Catherine asked me.

"It was good I made few friends and I still don't like this place." I answered that for fourth time today. Why everyone asks the same question? It's irritating.

"Met any intresting guy?" Cat asked and I choked on my food.

"Nope." I replied honestly and dad glared at Cat.

"By the way, Nick will come back day after tomorrow, he called me this morning." Cat said stuffing her mouth.

"That will be great! I already miss him." I said honestly.

"Will you join me to watch vampire dairies?" Cat asked after finishing dinner.

"Nope, I'm not interested in those bloodsuckers. It's all fiction and I live in a practical world. You too should stop watching those stupid wolfs and vampires."

"If you're not interested then fine." She huffed angrily and went to her room.

My sister is a crazy fan of wolf movies and programs. We always end up arguing about that. She is three years older than me but acts like a kid believing in those fictional characters.

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