First Fight

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          The library was empty, or so Harry thought, since practically everyone was at lunch. Harry, however, just needed some time to himself. It'd been two weeks since he’d been in the Hospital Wing, two weeks since the discovery of his abuse, and Harry had had little time to himself. It was like Draco, Blaise, and Pansy had taken it upon themselves to make sure one of them were always with him. It was like they thought he was made of glass and might break at any time. Sure, he might be a little fragile, but he’d been pretty much alone for ten years. Surely, he could handle an hour every now and then.

          When he wasn’t with the Slytherins, he was spending time with Severus (which Harry was told to call him when they were alone). They were slowly getting to know each other. Harry was seeing a completely different side to Severus and, although he wasn’t sure he completely trusted the man, it was nice. Severus still wouldn’t tell him why he hated Harry's father and Harry didn’t push. It didn’t matter that much, anyways. James Potter was dead and Severus Snape was quickly becoming a father figure. Harry smiled at the thought as he sat at a table in the back corner of the library. 
          He took a random book off the shelf and began trying to sound out the words. Even though he and Severus had started to grow close, Harry still hadn’t told the man he couldn't read or write. He didn’t want Severus to think he was a freak and push him to the side. Shaking away the depressing thought, Harry continued with the book.

          It was ten minutes later when he heard a sound. He looked up for a moment, shrugged, and went back to his book. Harry heard it again. Curious, he shut his book and stood up, beginning to walk the aisles. He was just about to give up when he noticed movement on the bench by the window. Walking closer, he saw it was a girl. She was curled in a ball, her head in her knees, her shoulders shaking as she cried. Her bushy brown hair was hiding her face. Harry was never good at talking to new people but she looked so sad. He was trying to think of something to say when she suddenly looked up and glared at him. 

          “What?” she snapped, quickly wiping her tears though it was futile as they kept falling.

          “A…are you o…okay?” Harry asked softly and her eyes softened a little. She sighed and looked out the window. 

          “I'm fine.” Harry stared at her before turning to go back to his table. A few moments later, he heard someone clearing their throat and looked up to see the girl standing there, shifting from foot to foot, looking slightly awkward.

          “I just wanted to say I’m sorry for snapping at you.” A faint blush colored her pale cheeks. “I’m just not used to anyone caring.” Harry smiled in understanding and gestured for her to sit next to him, which she did. 

          “I…I'm H…Harry P…Potter.” Her eyes widened but thankfully she didn't say anything. 

          “I’m Hermione Granger.” The bell rang, signaling the end of lunch. Harry put the book back and picked up his bag. He took a quick glance at Hermione's robes and saw the eagle, meaning she was in Ravenclaw. He gave a silent with of relief. She wasn’t a Gryffindor. Some of the other Slytherins had told him about the feud between Gryffindor and Slytherin but they hadn’t said anything about Ravenclaw. That meant it was okay to be friends, right?

          The bell rang again. He gave Hermione a wave and hurried out of the library. As he ran, he ran through the timetable in his mind. Today was Tuesday, which meant it was…it was…oh crap! He couldn't remember what Severus had told him.

          “Harry!” The boy turned to see Draco, Blaise, and Pansy running up to him. “Why weren't you at lunch?” 

          “I…I just wanted t…to be alone,” Harry muttered, glad that his stutter wasn't too bad, even with how embarrassed he felt. A hand on his arm made him flinch and then relax as he realized it was just Draco. The blonde smiled gently and moved to take Harry's hand.

          “Come on,” Draco said, tugging him down the corridor. “We're going to be late for Potions.” Potions! Harry resisted the urge to smack his head. How could he have forgotten? Severus had even reminded him at dinner the night before! Shaking his head, he allowed Draco to drag him to class.

          The next day was Saturday and, therefore, they had no classes. Draco and Harry were in the library, trying to finish their weekend homework as they were going to spend Saturday with Severus. The Potions Master had noticed Harry squinting to see things and, after finding out Aunt Petunia had found the glasses in a charity bin when Harry was eight and had never taken him to an optometrist, he decided to take Harry to get his eyes checked and get new glasses. Then they were going to go to lunch, do a little shopping, and when they got back, they were going to eat dinner in Severus's rooms. It was going to be perfect!

          Harry shook his head and tried to concentrate on Draco's voice as he read about the Goblin Wars for History of Magic but it was so boring! Luckily, they only had a few reading assignments to do so Draco didn’t have to dictate any of Harry's essays. Draco had just finished the chapter and was digging out his Transfiguration book when there was a sound of someone clearing their voice. Harry looked up and smiled brightly when he saw Hermione standing there. She gave Draco a wary look and turned to Harry. She opened her mouth when Draco interrupted.
          “Who are you?” he asked a little rudely. 

          “T…this is H…Hermione G…Granger,” Harry told him quietly. Great, he was nervous and his stuttering showed it. Draco sneered, which startled Harry a little bit.

          “Granger?” He scoffed. “I don’t recognize the name which means you must be a Mudblood!” Hermione's eyes widened and she tightened her grip on her books.

          “I’m sorry to have bothered you,” she whispered before running out of the library. Before she left, Harry saw a tear slide down her cheek. He watched until she was gone and then turned on Draco. 

          “I don’t know what a Mudblood is,” he said, barely refraining from shouting since they were in the library, “but Hermione is my friend and you had no right to insult her!” Draco blinked, speechless. Harry had never lost his temper with Draco before. He'd never even seen him mad, except at the train station when he’d yelled at Weasley.

           He must be even angrier now, Draco thought. He didn’t even stutter. He broke himself out if his thoughts just in time to see Harry's things packed and the boy himself heading out the door. Draco ran after him, not even bothering to pack his own things.

          “Harry!” He burst out the doors and saw Harry at the end of the corridor. Boy, Harry was sure fast when he was angry. “Harry!” He ran faster and caught up with Harry halfway down the stairs to the dungeons. “Will you stop for a minute?” He put a hand on Harry's shoulder and turned him around. Harry’s eyes were hard, almost like ice, as he looked at him. 

          “I…I’m s…sorry,” Draco wheezed, trying to catch his breath from the running he’d just done. Harry's eyes narrowed.

          “I’m not the one you need to apologize to.” Harry turned and started descending the stairs again. 

          “Harry…” The smaller boy ignored him and this time, Draco let him go.

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