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The warm air met me as I stepped through the ground. I smell the nice breeze the plants are giving, the only sound I hear is the birds chirping and the dry, crispy leaves being stepped by me.

I let out a breath before taking a step through the open field where the wedding ceremony is held. I lift up my gown so that dry leaves won't stick up to the fabric.

I got trip when I accidently tripped on my gown and stumbled on the ground. Argh. Stupid self.

I averted my gaze at the noise I was hearing. I saw a crowd of people staring at me. I didn't notice that my parents were walking towards me to go to the wedding.

"Honey, we're looking everywhere for you," she looked at me from bottom to top "oh my god."

"Mum. I got tripped alright?" I turned to my dad and smiled slightly. "And if you'll excuse me."

I rushed through the bathroom to clean off the small dirt that stick in to my gown. I was busy cleaning it off when the door creaked open. I turned around just to see my other sister, Mikaylee.

"Mika," I fake smiled at her, continuing cleaning the dirt in my gown.

She head towards the other vanity to put some dark red lipstick on her lips and some mascara on her eyes. She turned to my direction and smiled. "Long time no see Klayre. I see that Viktorya's getting married for the next 4 months," she paused and smirked. "with your ex."

Blood started boiling in my whole body. How can she say that!?

"Farewell then." I purposely bumped her in her butt while she flinched. She deserved it.

The wedding started as I entered the venue. Everyone cheered as they sealed their vows with their sweet gentle kiss. They're so inlove just like my sister and Raven.

Everyone clapped as the new couple walked down the platform, holding hands. The groom parted from his bride, the bride's getting ready to throw her bouquet of flowers to the crowd of women waiting for the bouquet to be thrown. And at last, the bride throw the bouquet of flowers in the air, soaring high as its speed went slower and slower until it landed on the women. A petite girl caught the bouquet and everyone cheered again.

I smiled at the sight but then, all the things that'll happen in the future between my ex and my sister came up to my mind. I have to restrain my happiness, I need to be fierce. I need to hate being happy. I hate being happy.

My mood changed when I remembered those things. I became serious. Every time a man comes to my direction, I snob them, continuing to drink my soft alcohol drink.

"Hey," A tall dark black haired young adult man stood in front of me.

I just snobbed his presence, continuing to watch the dance performance of the ballroom dancers.

The guy sat beside me, taking the shot glass full of alcohol to some random guy. He stared at me for minutes and I snapped at him.

"Would you mind leave me alone?" I asked, turning around to face the guy.

The guy ignored my question instead he gave me an alcohol, more stronger than the one I'm drinking. I sighed and took his offer, he smirked and scooped beside me, hands on my waist. I shuddered at his touch.

I engulfed the drink in one gulp and in a few minutes, I started to feel dizzy and numb and then.

It went black.

Warning! *for 18 years old and above only. Read at your own risk*

My eyes flicked open by the sudden feeling of a hand, caressing my thighs.

Soon, I felt lips on my neck. A gasp escaped from my lips as the pair of lips travelled down to my shoulder then to my breasts. That's when I realised that my gown was already off of me. Suddenly, a pair of hands grabbed my bra and pulled it off, now, my breasts are fully exposed.

The lips once more appeared as it sucked my nipples. I tried to fight the urge to moan. I searched for its head and I found it. I took a grip on it and the person moaned.

Feels good.

I felt his hands played my breasts. And then, his lips travelled down my stomach, and down to my thighs. He licked my thighs and I gasped again. This is my first time to be touched. I don't want Raven to touch me before but now, being touched felt so good and so arousal.

"Fuck it." The guy said.

I found his mouth taking my panties off from my feminity. My eyes widened when he licked mine, through the core. Tears started to build in my eyes when he thrusted something in my feminity. It is so painful when he thrusted his manhood in.


He kissed my lips again in order to calm me down. And then I realised that I'm having sex with a guy I don't even know.

He quickly pulled himself off of me. The weight on top of me lighten. I heard him dressing up and the rustling sound he made while looking for something. I closed my eyes for a while and heard the door opened and closed.

I stood up from where am I, putting my bra, panties and gown back to myself and walked out of the room. I realised I was still in the venue. Only to find out that I'm alone.

I was left alone.


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⏰ Last updated: Dec 30, 2017 ⏰

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