Chapter 10: Going Down History Lane

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Happy New Year Guys!!!!! Hopefully this year will bring good things and joy. My resolution is to finish EMB soon, and focus completely on Mio Re and finish it too. Then start on the third book of the Mafia Love Trilogy. Fingers crossed.

I've decided to number the days and count them down to 14 till the wedding day because I'm pretty sure that I'll get confused with the days myself and probably confuse you guys too. So, enjoy the update!

Point out my mistakes. Vote, comment, share it with your friends, and ENJOY!!!


(Arie's POV)

Day 1

          "Your titties, bitch." My head was still strolling through a dizzy maze, trying to find its way back to betterment as Soph continued to rub last night's shenanigans in my face. "And I bet they got it all on camera too."

          My cheeks warmed up to crimson red even through the makeup as I fixed my hair in the mirror. "Shit!" I cussed, glancing over my shoulder at her. "I flipped them off and made nipple guns too." Internally, I facepalmed and cursed myself for being so immature, yet I couldn't lie, it was hilarious in the moment. Not even a day passed, and I already embarrassed myself. Fucking pasta la vista?

          "I love the drunk you," Soph declared with a chuckle. "She's more fun."

          "I was just a bit tipsy," I groaned and quickly put my hair down in waves. "I'm going to talk to Mike and see if maybe he could delete the footage."

"You seem to know him well," she remarked, her voice laced with curiosity.

"Yeah," I shrugged, getting off the chair by the massive dresser. "I dated Augustus remember." I lied right through my teeth, playing the game Gus set up. Telling her the truth about Leo and I would lead nowhere, so I didn't see the point in doing so. The entire situation was complicated, and I couldn't even begin to start explaining it. I mean, how would I if I didn't know the whole story myself? About Verona?

"So, you met the entire family before, right?"

          "The parents and the siblings," I informed her and quickly added, "but I didn't meet the oldest sibling until Gus introduced me to him before we got on the plane."

          "I see." She shifted a bit uncomfortably and sat up straight against the headboard of my bed. I knew she wanted to say something. I was familiar with the look she was giving me all too well considering I used to get it every time she wanted to tell me about her infidelity in college. Although she blurted out and spoke her mind, sometimes she just wasn't that courageous.

          Sighing, I sat by her side and looked at her. "Spill."


          "You want to say something."

She rolled her eyes and huffed. "You met Arabelle, right?

"Yeah." My brows drew together. "Why?"

"This actually came to me this morning. I don't know how I could be so ignorant, but," she cleared her throat, "I think you should avoid Arabelle." Not getting her point, I shook my head in confusion and urged her to elaborate. "Her husband."

          "Oh." I sighed and scooted off the bed, walking to my suitcase. "I know Alicio is her husband."

          "You do?" she asked incredulously.

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