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"So..." Marcus spoke up as we started heading for another round. "Since you're here, I'm guessing Tristan is..." He didn't need to say it, the tightening of my fists as I looked away from him was enough of an answer.

"I'm sorry." He continued softly. "I know you loved him. The two of you were always together."

I could feel the lump in my throat. But not yet. I couldn't cry. Not yet.

I gave a tight nod as I concentrated on my breathing.

"You... You can talk to me. I'm here. If you... If you need someone."

"Thanks." Was my curt reply, still not looking at him.

I couldn't bring myself to talk after that. The grief was becoming too heavy to bear. I said goodbye to Marcus, promising to meet him at dinner. He just nodded sadly. I could feel his eyes on my back as I headed inside. I would have to be careful around Marcus, I didn't need anybody to get attached to me. I intended to get out of here alive and in one piece. Not in a shitty shroud covered with white cloth with my hands, or other body parts cut off.

Tristan used to be a big crybaby before I was born, even though I'd seen him cry on very few occasions in my life. Dad always told me that when I was born, Tristan made a promise to himself to never cry. In front of me atleast. He cared for me like I was his daughter, not his sister.

What he did had carried over. I looked up to him, he was my role model, everything I'd ever aspired to be. Strong, quiet, helpful but family was always his first priority. People always trusted him, he had a nice smile and an easy charm not seen in children growing up in Section D. It was something I lacked as well. I could be charming when required but I never came off as naturally trustworthy. I'd always believed he'd get out of there, even if he didn't see it in himself. He did get out, but now he was completely gone. He was out of my reach and there was nothing I could ever do to get him back.

I am going to get out of here alive. My parents need me. A lot depends on my behaviour and the relationships I make here. I can't anger the guards, and I can't get too chummy with the others here. My only priority here is me, my survival. And out there, my parents.

It was just a few hours later that dinner was served. Marcus happily chattered away, still happy that I had arrived here, his 'gift'. I replied when I should to show him that I was paying attention, if only partly. Marcus didn't seem to notice my coldness, maybe because I'd always been like this with him.

The next day, I was woken up by the Peacekeeper before breakfast. He jerked his head to the side, gesturing for me to follow him.

"Five minutes. I need to freshen up."

"Now." The Peacekeeper growled.

I gave him a sleepy glare. "Do you want me to piss myself while we're walking?" He didn't reply so I nodded, taking that as a no. "Good. Five minutes."

I brushed my teeth, washed my face and did my business before finally following behind the Peacekeeper. No one else was up. Slight suspicion passed through me till I saw Boney being led away too. His pants were wet.

There were taking the eldest boy and girl from the latest batch. Great. We'll hopefully be back in time for breakfast because I'm starving.

I was led elsewhere. Away from the main compound. We walked through plastic tunnels, a decontamination chamber, a security check, another decontamination chamber, a full-body x-ray screening and then finally emerged into an even whiter place, something I didn't believe possible.

There were huge glass windows beside each door, which were spaced far apart. But you could see people moving around inside, wearing white labcoats, making notes on their tablets. My stomach churned a bit at the table that was in the centre of all of these rooms. Flat, metal, restraints dangling loose over the side or already in use restraining some poor soul. Over the table dangled a huge machine of sorts. A tube attached to the ceiling but it extended out in smaller tubes. Wires dangled from it, and I couldn't be sure but the sharp glint visible could have been needles.

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