(6) Daffodils.

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Devlin looked up from the piano keys in utter shock when he heard the first sound of a gunshot. When people started to scream, he jumped from his seat and raced to help the children to safety. Thankfully, the door backstage was not clogged with people running for dear life so he was able to help shepherd the kids from danger.

Backstage, people were frantic and on edge. "Stay here, you will be safe, I promise." With that, he shut the door of the room and raced back to the ballroom in search of Pamela. He frantically prayed that she was safe, that she was alright. When more shots were fired, his heart dropped in panic. As he made his way around, he helped those he could and directed them to the backstage door but his heart pounded with trepidation.

Please let her be safe, he pleaded with God. I know we haven't spoken in a long while, but please, let her be safe. Please.

He drew up short when he saw a masked man holding Pamela at gunpoint. She was deathly still as if afraid that if she as much as breathed, he'd pull the trigger.

"Let her go!" He commanded, anger seeping through him.

"And if I don't?"

"Then I'll repeat myself one last time. Get away from her." He growled, ready to tear the person limb to limb.

"Why don't we do it this way? I call the shots because I have her at gunpoint and will shoot if you take a step."

Devlin gritted his teeth in anger as he watched Cody slowly approach the masked man from behind, aiming a gun at him. What was he waiting for? Permission to shoot?

"You will not pull the trigger."

"Try me."

"What do you want?" Devlin asked, making conversation to buy time. He seemed composed but in reality, he was sick with worry. Suddenly, there was a loud blast of a gunshot that sent the masked man to the floor. He ran forward to catch Pamela who was shivering.

"Take me home!" She cried amidst rising hysterical sobs.

He held her and patted her back, then turned to Cody. "Take her to the safe house," he brought out a gun from his pocket and gave the masked man a hard look. "I have unfinished business here."


Pamela was sitting in front of the mirror, running a brush through her hair. She was naked, her eyes were closed and her face was wet with tears. Brushing the brown locks of her hair to smoothness had always done a lot in soothing her nerves.

It was almost midnight and she was still recovering from the shock she'd undergone during the shootout at the gala. She couldn't dispel the violence she'd encountered even after Cody had put her in the car to take her home. The car had been shot at and she'd been very hysterical, screaming and crying but Cody assured her that the van was bulletproof and that Devlin would be back safe and sound.

Like she cared. All she wanted was her father's body. All she wanted was to leave. Whether she liked it or not, the danger would always be around him. Today, however, had been proof that he was protecting her, therefore, the possibility that he'd been the one that had attacked her on the day her dad died was beginning to look like a farce. Today, he hadn't been the one that'd held a gun to her head. He'd instead, been the one who'd saved her. Did that mean he was good? No, good was a stretch. Considerate was more fitting.

True to Cody's words, Devlin came back an hour ago. She knew because her mother had refused to go to bed till he was back. He was stained with blood when he arrived. Dorothea had been agitated and worried about him, even more than she had been for her daughter.

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