85. Killing Career

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Okay, it was official: someone wanted me dead. Really, really dead, preferably in a painful way. They were very determined, rich enough to hire an entire gang of thugs, and I had no idea who they were. I was in mortal danger. For all I knew, a sniper could shoot a bullet through my brain at any moment.

But who cares! He loves me! Dr. Roy Stein, the hottest, most breathtaking and mind-bogglingly gorgeous man in the history of mankind loves me, and wants to marry me!

And that he wasn't a man for long delays was proven right the next morning. After getting the staff to dispose of my unwanted nocturnal visitor, we had spent the rest of the night in an ecstasy of unbridled—and unclothed—passion, and when the sun had peeked over the horizon and sent its first timid rays through the bedroom window, he rolled over and said: "So... do you want to do it right away or do you need a few hours to buy a dress?"

I stared at him. "Dress? For what?"

"For the wedding of course." He grinned at me. "Brides do wear dresses at their wedding, don't they? At least that's what I heard. Of course, if you wanted to show up just in your lingerie instead, that would be fine by me. But I think it might give the poor priest a bad shock."

My eyes went wide. "Get a dress? For... today? I can't marry you today!"

"Why? Do you have something else planned?"

"No, but..."

"Good. Would ten am suit you?"

"You can't just..."

He was grinning from ear to ear, I suddenly noticed. I threw a pillow at him.


His grin didn't diminish. "Is that supposed to be an insult to my head, or a compliment to my behind?"

"You have some nerve—just assuming I'll run away with you! I didn't even give you a 'yes' last night!"

"You didn't?"


His grin widened even more. "That's right! You were too busy kissing me, once I got those ropes off you. And then you grabbed me and towed me into the bedroom and started tearing off my cl—"

"I slapped a hand over his mouth, my cheeks flaming. "Shut up!"

He nipped me playfully on a finger.

"Sss, whtst gawbee?"

"I'm sorry, I didn't quite catch that."

Taking a firm hold of my hand, he pulled it away from his mouth.

"I said: so what's it going to be? Will you marry me?"

"Hmm... let me think for a minute..." In mock thoughtfulness, I tapped my chin with a finger. "I think... that maybe... taking everything into consideration... and carefully weighing the pros and cons..."

"Cassy!" he growled, a warning note in his voice.

"Yes!" Throwing my arms around him, I pulled him tightly against me. "Yes, yes, yes, yes, yes, yes, yes!" A hundred, a thousand, a trillion, billion, gazillion times yes!"

He closed his eyes, and an expression of bliss spread over his perfect features. Slowly and deliberately, he placed a kiss on the crown of my head.

"Thank you," he murmured.

"You're welcome."



"That brings me back to my original question: do you want to marry right away or do you need a few hours to prepare?"

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