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Còn 1 chương miễn phí


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"Where are you going again?" Ma asks me, looking from her novel and gazing at me over her oval-shaped spectacles.

"Bowling with Kai and Heidi," I say breezily and feel guilt pool in the pit of my stomach as I openly lie to Ma, for the first time.

"That sounds fun, dear. Have a lovely time," she tells me.

I nervously peek over to Pa, who is lightly snoring in his recliner chair. Callum is playing a game on his new iPad. Perfect – they're all distracted.

Haze: Here.

Butterflies erupt inside my stomach and I suddenly feel queasy. I stumble to my feet, my heart beginning to hammer inside my chest.

"Night, Ma. Don't wait up," I tell her, kissing her forehead tenderly.

"Goodnight dear. You look beautiful, by the way."


I trot to the door and glance down at myself one last time.

I'm dressed in a pair of tight-fitting jeans and a maroon top. I silently slip out the door and my hands begin to shake when I see a black truck idling at the end of my driveway. I pray that Ma remains in the lounge room as I run to meet him.

I fling the door open and slide across the leather. "Hi."

"Hey," he says, nudging the heat nozzle up.

He looks tense as he sits there, his thumbs drumming against the steering wheel.

"Nice truck," I compliment him. "Is it yours?"

"My dad got a loan out on it and then didn't have money to pay for it. My grandparents pay off the loan as an 'I'm sorry we're not around to have made your life better, here's a car so we don't look so terrible' gift." He bitterly explains and I blink a few times in surprise, not having expected an honest answer like that. He takes in my shocked, curious expression and grimaces. "Another story for another time."


He puts the car into gear and begins to drive. I watch him, feeling free to be open about it now and not having to hide it like I have the past two weeks. His left-hand rests on the gear stick, his right loosely gripping the wheel, his elbow propped onto the window.

"Is it crazy that I missed you, but I don't even know you?" I question.

His fingers tighten around the steering wheel and he sits a little straighter. He clears his throat.

"No need to freak out, Haze." I say to him in amusement.

"I-I know what you mean," he utters, his jaw stiff as he swallows uneasily.

I smile in satisfaction. "Let's play a game."

"Your last game wasn't much of an actual 'game'," he points out.

"Twenty questions. Go."

He is quiet for a few moments as he slows to give way at an intersection.

"Favourite colour?"

"Blue. Where do you see yourself in five years?"

He groans. "That's a dumb question."

"Answer it!"

"I don't know... with a job, doing something I like, I guess."

"Okay. Move on." I give in.

"Favourite... animal?" he asks.

Darker Than SinNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ