Chapter Eight

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Irene Adler – The Woman – stood naked in front of Sherlock Holmes. She gave nothing away except her measurements, and a smirk that grew larger as she stepped towards him. His eyes were wide as she stood above him and tugged the priest's collar from his neck.

"There, now we're both defrocked," she said.

"Ms Adler, I presume?" He replied, trying to keep his cool.


Margaux tapped on the door and opened it slowly.

"Hi," she said with a smile.

"Hi," Molly replied as she carried a tray of samples across the lab.

Margaux stepped in and closed the door behind her, lifting a lab coat from the hanger and putting it on.

"I hope you don't mind me coming up here again, I swear I won't be in your way; I just had to finish these tests before everything gets delayed over Christmas."

"Oh no, don't be silly, of course I don't mind." Molly waved her hand as she spoke. "I'll be leaving soon anyway; got to get my last few Christmas presents together for Sherlock and John's party. Are you coming?"

"Oh, probably not."

"Other plans?"

"Not really. I'm just... not sure I want to go anywhere." Margaux smiled, attempting to lighten her tone.

"But it's Christmas. You can't be all by yourself at Christmas. Plus, I've already bought you a present so..." Molly leaned on the table next to her.

"Well thank you. You didn't have to get me anything."

"It's just a token."

They smiled at each other. Margaux started setting up the machine she was sitting at, while Molly picked up another tray and carried it away.

"Are your family not big into Christmas?" Molly asked.

"Oh I don't see my family."

Molly stopped and turned to Margaux, her mouth open, her eyes darting around looking for a way to fix her mistake.

"Ah... Well I, er..."

"It's okay, Molly. I've been emancipated from my parents since I was fifteen."

"I had no idea, I'm so sorry."

"Don't be sorry; they're terrible people," Margaux laughed as if it were nothing. 

"Well then... you absolutely have to come."


Margaux returned to her task as Molly finished up quietly, taking off her gloves and hanging her lab coat next to the door. She pulled on her own coat and wrapped a scarf around her neck before reaching into her pocket and pulling out a set of keys. She placed them on the table and smiled at Margaux.

"They're to lock up," Molly began. "You can give them back to me at the party." She allowed a small smile as she turned around and left the lab.


'Merry Christmas, Mr Holmes x'

Sherlock rolled his eyes at the text and clicked his phone off. He lifted his violin and began to play.

Christmas lights and a crackling fire illuminated the dark, warm flat. Mrs Hudson sat in Sherlock's armchair with a glass of sherry as she listened to the merry songs. John greeted Lestrade at the door, taking his coat and offering him a beer in exchange.

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