Chapter 12

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Out of everyone in the classroom, I couldn't fathom why the child stopped crying in Xander's arms. I looked over at the two of them as the professor walked back to the front of the room, leaving the boy with Xander. The boy repositioned himself so he was sitting on Xander's lap, facing to the front of the room where his mother stood at the board.

"What's your name?" Xander whispered to the small boy.

"Lenny," the boy whispered back in a high tone.

Xander smiled and ran his hand through Lenny's short blond hair. "I'm Xander."

I couldn't concentrate on what Professor Michaels was teaching because I couldn't take my eyes off of the odd scene next to me. Xander kept softly running his hands through Lenny's hair, and sure enough, the boy closed his eyes, and relaxed against his chest as he fell asleep.

"So weird," I whispered and leaned back. Xander turned his attention to me as he flashed his green eyes in my direction.

"You jealous?" Xander whispered back.

"No," I whispered. "I'm not good with kids."

"No, jealous of the boy?" he whispered, smirking.

I concluded that Xander must've been on some sort of drug in that moment or he was simply deluded.

"Crazy bastard," I whispered and removed my eyes from the two of them, forcing myself to pay attention to the lecture.

When Professor Michaels finished her lecture, everyone got up and made their way out of the classroom. She walked back over to us again, looking at her son sleeping peacefully in Xander's arms.

"Too bad I don't have you here for the whole day," Professor Michaels said to Xander. "It was nice having a break while it lasted."

She reached down and pulled a still sleeping Lenny from Xander and Lenny instinctively wrapped his arms around his mother's neck. "Again, sorry for the trouble," she said.

Xander flashed her a wide smile. "I really didn't mind," he said. "Actually, he reminds me of someone."

Professor Michaels returned a smile. "I'm glad." She turned away shortly after, carrying her sleeping son.

Xander reached down to grab his backpack, swinging it over his shoulder. I was still shocked at the whole situation but followed suit as Hayden also packed his belongings. The three of us walked out together, with Hayden in the middle of Xander and me.

"Well that was something, Xander," Hayden said and turned to look at his friend. "Who knew you were so good with children?"

Xander shrugged his shoulders and looked down before he replied. "Sometimes life throws you unexpected situations and you need to learn to quickly adjust to sudden changes."

His direct answer caused me to glance over at him.

"So this is your first time dealing with a child? And you're comparing it to an unexpected situation?" Hayden asked.

"More or less," Xander replied.

"Your responses are so vague," I said. "I don't even understand what you're saying."

Xander peered around Hayden to look at me, slightly grinning as he always did. "Are you curious?"

I rolled my eyes. "All I'm saying is that you're like a complete mystery. Especially now that you're being so vague."

"And you're indirectly saying that you want to get to know me," Xander replied, smirking. "You don't need to be so reserved, Jasper. Just say you're interested in me."

"You know you're not the one I'm interested in," I growled and pointed my eyes at him.

Hayden immediately whipped his head to the side as his eyes widened at me. "You're interested in someone and you haven't told me?" he asked as his mouth hung open. "Yet Xander gets to know?"

My heart started racing. "N-no," I stammered. "He found out on his own."

"And I still don't get to know?" Hayden pestered. "You've never showed interest in anyone since we were kids. Surely being childhood friends and all, you're going to tell me who it is."

I looked down as I felt my face grow hot. "You wouldn't believe me," I muttered.

Hayden suddenly shoved me shoulder and I lost my balance, stumbling to regain it. "Who do you take me for? Of course I'd believe you, Jasper."

"It's no one. Just forget it," I said.

"Jasper, you can tell m-"

"Oh shit, we've got an exam in math in a few days," Xander cut Hayden off randomly.

"Already?" I practically yelled, glad to have the uncomfortable subject changed.

"On Friday," Xander replied. "You don't remember me telling you?"

I cursed myself.

"Hopeless idiot," Xander said and laughed.

"Shut up," I said. "If you haven't forgotten, you did offer to tutor me."

"I haven't received anything from you," Xander said and pulled out his cellphone, waving it in the air.

I groaned. But I was doing this for Drey as well. He needed to keep his number one rank.

"Tomorrow," I sighed. "Meet me in the library after class."

Xander smirked. "Sure." And then he reached around Hayden and roughly pulled on my arm, causing me to stumble into him.

"What?" I hissed.

"You're welcome for the distraction," he whispered back and shoved me back to my original position beside Hayden before I could get out any words to reply.

And so, Hayden quietly walked in the middle of us, his head down. I nudged him softly.

"Sorry, I'm just not ready to tell you," I said to him. "It's the first time I'm feeling this way, you know. It's scary."

Hayden brought his eyes to meet mine, looking at me with understanding. "That's fine. I didn't mean to pressure you, Jasper. I can wait until you're ready. But I hope everything works out."

His words caused my heart to pick up and I realized just how far in love I was falling in with him. It really sucked.

"I do too."

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