Much More Precious (PreciousMetalShipping One-Shot)

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(Silver's POV):

I gritted my teeth and let out a growl as my Feraligatr hit a wall. Gold smirked at me as his Typloshion, Explotaro, roared. My Feraligatr collapsed to the ground, exhausted from the fight, which now means I'm defeated. I'm screwed.

Gold challenged me to a battle, and the winner gets to do whatever he wants to the loser. I do plan on something if I win.

'Silver, it's forbidden.' My conscious scolded me. I mentally sighed.

This feeling. . . I didn't know what made me feel weird around that idiot, but ever since we became very close friends, I started to develop weird feelings to Gold the more I spend time with him. What is it called again?


There are different kinds of love: brotherly love, sisterly love, fatherly love etc. But this kind of love, it's a forbidden love. The kind of love that makes me feel weird around Gold, the one that makes me feel as if my stomach has turned into Butterfrees. Every night, I dreamt of Gold. His mesmerizing gold eyes, his goofy grin, and his raven hair. How I wish to hold him in my arms for eternity, to kiss his soft lips and to stare forever at his hypnotizing eyes. But I can't. Like I said before, it is a forbidden love.

I don't know what he might think if he finds out about my feelings. He might hate me, or maybe. . . . He'll love me back. But the second option is impossible.

I sighed as I retrieved my exhausted Feraligatr, then gazed at Gold, who was grinning at me in triumph.

"You agreed, so now you must face the consequences." He smirked. I felt a blush rise up my cheeks as I stared at his facial features. Sometimes I wish to hit his face with a fundamental building material. Repeatedly. But sometimes I also want to kiss his perfect lips, to intertwine my fingers with his and more.

Fcking hell. Damn hormones.

I always assure myself that someday, it'll go away. But the feeling grew stronger everyday, I can no longer escape from it. It was like it was forever caged in my heart. It'll be there to torment me for eternity. And I hate it.

I gave Gold a cold glare to mask my true emotions. I don't want to show him even the slightest hints of my true feelings for the gold-eyed dexholder.

"Whatever. I'll go train." I muttered and turned my back on him. "I'm not a worthless moron like you. How did you managed to beat me?" I asked, tilting my head to his direction to glare at him one more time. His face fell, then I saw it. His eyes stared at me anxiously, and I could also see pain. I stared back blankly, wondering what he might be thinking.

"You. . . You think I'm worthless?" He asked, his voice shaking. I swallowed hard, then took a deep breath. What am I going to do? I think I just hurt his feelings.

I blinked a few times, not moving a single muscle. I feel my heart burn with passion. My desire for him grew stronger.

I can't take it anymore. I can't hide these feelings forever. I guess. . . I guess it's time.

"Silver?" Gold asked me both nervously and worriedly.

I took a deep breath. Silver you can do this. You can do it.

"You're not worthless." I replied blankly, looking down to avoid eye contact with him.

He looked surprised, his eyes wide in shock. There was a long pause. I could almost hear Kricketots near us chirping. (A/N: I think?)

I took another deep breath, then took a few steps forward. I gathered all my courage, then tilted my head up to meet his gaze.

"You're not worthless at all. You're more than that." I then swallowed hard, then whispered, barely audible. "You're far more precious than all the jewels. Because I . . . . I-!!!" I froze in shock as Gold smashed his lips against mine.

Gold. . . I felt many emotions inside me, but I didn't care. As I wrap my arms around his neck, I closed my eyes and kissed back. He's far more precious. Which is why the name Gold suits him. And he's my precious.

* * *

Dun dun dun! XD

Yay! This is for @gold_x_silver_forver, one of my best supporters here. She was gone for a month v

because she was grounded, so I wrote this as a welcome back present for her! ^_^ Luv ya, Izzy!

Much More Precious (PreciousMetalShipping One-Shot)Where stories live. Discover now