The Guy With The Girl

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"Mandi, please come. They'd love to meet you," Jackson said, trying to convince his best friend to come to a three night party for his company.

"Jackson, I, I don't know. You'll be the only one there that I know, and besides, you know parties aren't really my thing," Mandi replied, not wanting to admit that she didn't want to go because she'd realized that she'd had deeper feelings for him then just friends.

"Please, you never do these types of things with me anymore. Just one night, that's all I ask," he said, playing the guilt card, the only one he had left.

"Alright, fine, but just one night," she said finally agreeing.

"That's all I need," he said with a smile, "Now, go get ready, the first one is tonight."

"Okay, I'll see you at 6:45 then?"

At 6:45, Jackson pulled up in his dark blue Buick. He walked up to her door and knocked. He fixed his dark purple tie while waiting for her to answer the door. As soon as she did, his lungs seemed to stop working. She had done her long, dark red hair into a braided crown. Her dress was a beautiful purple, sort of like the color of his tie, only it shimmered when she walked. Her beautiful baby blue eyes were framed by her glasses, and she wasn't wearing a whole lot of makeup, making her natural beauty shine.

"Wow! You look beautiful."

"Thank you, you look quite dashing yourself," she said, taking in his simple tuxedo topped with his favorite tie.

He extended his elbow to her and she took it with a small smile. She grabbed her hand bag and a light jacket, just in case. They walked to the car and he opened her door for her, then got into the drivers side and drove them to the party.
Mandi was standing in the corner, just starting to talk to one of the women that worked with Jackson. She'd seen her a few times around town, but never really talked to her.

"So do you know if Jackson's dating anyone?" Mandi asked her.

"Um, yeah, actually. Well I don't really know if they're dating, but he has been, for lack of a better word, infatuated with her for awhile now," she replied.

"Really? What's her name?" She asked, feeling her heart stop for a moment.

"Madeline, but she prefers Mandi, I think he said."

"It was nice talking to you, will you excuse me?" The woman nodded and Mandi ran on search of Jackson.

When she found him, he was talking to one of his friends from work. But she didn't care. She walked right up to him, turned him around and kissed him, not even caring that everyone else was staring. When she pulled away, she whispered "I love you," and he said "I love you, too," and pulled her in for another kiss, deciding that tonight was the best night of his life.

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