Author's Note!

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I have a major question. Well, actually, it's more of a minor question, but its still a pretty big question. My question is... should I turn this into a longer story, or keep it short and simple, like it is?

Now, it may not be a big question to y'all, but to me it is a very big question, for two reasons.

1. I have a couple of ideas for the continuation of this story, but I'm not sure if I should write them on here, or just in the journal I'm already gonna write it in.

2. I'd have to think up more ideas for it, more than I already have, and i would also be putting a hold on a couple of my other stories.

Now, I don't usually ask for comments and votes or follows. BUT! This time, I'm asking for you to comment whether or not I should add on to this. Please, please!, if you're reading this, comment your thoughts. And as nice as comments and votes would be on my other stories, right now, this is the only one I want comments on. Thank you for reading, and have a good day. And remember, I'm asking nicely for a comment or two.

Love you, Champions!

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