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0.13 - Thursday 11:31 p.m.

Maverick Bale

I can't sleep.

Tomorrow night is the party where I'm probably gonna hook up with Lauren. But instead of looking forward to it like I usually would, I'm dreading it.

Then there's Rhys.

Even though I try not to, I replay his words over and over again in my mind, attempting to decipher what he meant.

You think I want to fucking talk with you?

You don't understand.

My fingers pull at my hair and I twist around in my sheets, my skin feverish and clammy.

I sit up, breathing hard. My phone vibrates on my nightstand and I grab it shakily.

Lauren: need a ride after school?

Me: Jules is already taking me

I haven't confirmed this, but there's no way I'm hanging out with her before the actual party. And even if Jules can't, I can either find another ride that's not her or just not go, which honestly doesn't seem like a bad option.

Lauren texts back a minute later.

Lauren: aw okay

Lauren: see you tomorrow <3

Mav: yeah goodnight

Then I turn my phone off and place it back on the nightstand, not caring to look whether she responded.


Usually classes on Friday drag on sluggishly, the hands on the clock barely seeming to move, stretching the time between school and the lacrosse game and any parties afterward.

Not today.

First period finished between one blink and the next, and second period flew by faster than Usain Bolt. I figured lunch would be the time I gathered my wits about me or whatever the fuck that means, but instead, I barely finished eating my cafeteria-made rice and beans when the bell rang.

"Do the classes feel shorter to you today?" I ask Jules as we walk to math class.

"Feel the same to me," Jules replies with a shrug.

Third period went by a fraction slower, but only because it's math. After an impossibly short amount of time, fourth period abruptly came to an end and I had no moment of breath before I was jogging onto the field for our first lacrosse game of the season.

After some messy plays and lucky saves, we scrape past with a close win, launching our season off to a rocky start. Coach forces us to run three laps around the field afterward to make up for our 'lack of energy and focus' in the game.

By the time I finish showering and changing, it's nearly 8:00 p.m. Ten minutes later, Jules pulls up across the street, and we drive to his house where we planned to meet with Hunter and Alex before heading over to Tristan's party.

"You good, man?" Jules asks after a quick side glance at me. My stomach turns like I might puke, but I force a smile.

"Yeah, just feeling a little...," I try to loosen a breath, my eyes shifting around the car, "nervous."

Jules gawks. "Nervous? Dude, you're probably going to hook up with Lauren Winter for the millionth time, what's there to be nervous about?"

He has a point. It's not like I haven't hooked up with Lauren before. I have and I've enjoyed them a lot, so why was tonight any different?

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