#Midnight Sun

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They wove with the music, damp bodies gliding together in a rhythm of lust and love. 

She smelled like new rain on a warm day, her chocolate brown hair rubbing against his cheek as she leaned closer against his clammy form. 

Every few moments he would catch her emerald eyes locked on his own, then a smile would flit across her rosy lips and she would look shyly away.

And every time it made his heart do a little flip.

If he could have stopped time, he would have lived in the moment forever, her breaths warm against his skin, the cool night air against his face.

As the blue moon rose higher into the night sky, the stars seemed to glitter brighter than the sun itself, white gemstones among a black void.

And with every second, he fell a further in love.

People came and went. Some stared, some joined in and danced by their sides until they grew too tired and eventually wandered away. 

But every second was precious, and he wasn't willing to pause for even a moment.

Her body leaned up against his and she gave a sigh of relief, her brown hair falling over his shoulder. A faint shudder tingled through his spine and goosebumps ran along his arms.

In that moment, she didn't speak a word, but her soft voice still rang through his ears.

"Does it ever hurt?" She had asked, so many days ago.

He had looked up from his book, staring at her in confusion. "What?"

Her green eyes had glimmered with a thousand unsaid words but she only sighed softly, as if all her pain and confusion would leave her body with a simple breath.

"Knowing that it can never last forever. Does it ever hurt?"

Her question had never left his mind, dancing in circles through his deepest thoughts. He hadn't known the answer then, lapsed into a muddled silence.

But he knew it now. 

Resting his chin on her head, he closed his eyes, breathing in her warm scent. This time, she smelled of pine needles on the forest floor. And cherry blossoms in the summer breeze. 

Everything he had ever loved.

"It could never hurt."

She drew away, regarding him with confused eyes. The music died down to a quiet thrum in the background, yet the silence was welcoming.

He smiled then, gazing upon her with a warmth he could never place into words. "If you never leave my side, even a second shall never change from forever."

A smile blossomed across her lips then, her rosy cheeks glowing in the pale light of the stars. 

Every struggle vanished from her face, her green eyes reflecting the constellation of his heart.

As he took her cold hands back in his own and drew her tiny frame close to his chest, her breaths tickled her ear. "Does it hurt?"

He shook his head, closing his eyes. "I shall never feel pain again, my midnight sun." And he held her a little tighter, making a vow that rang through his heart. "And never shall you."

Hey guys! I saw the Midnight Sun contest and figured I'd try my hand at it... I'm not sure, I'm not much a romance writer, but why not at least go for it? 

Anyway, I'd love to get some feedback. I'll probably post this in a separate story, but right now I'm a little too lazy ahaha.

Words to My Demons | Poetry ✔️Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin