Chapter || One

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I still love it. Thanks hon :)

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"You hit my car and left 30 dollars?"

"I know and I am truly sorry."

"What the hell am I supposed to do with 30 dollars?"

"I'm sorry but it was all I had on me! I don't carry cash, alright. What did you expect me to do, leave my debit card?"

"I expected to not walk out and find my car dented."

"And again, I apologize."

" . . . . "

" . . . . "

" . . . . "


"You're a girl aren't you?."

"Is my voice not masculine enough?"

"Well, that's one reason."

"And the other?"

"Women can't drive."

"That's not sexist in the slightest."

"But it's true, is it not? My sister can't even pull out of the driveway without hitting the mailbox. My parents even moved the poor thing across the street and it still didn't have a chance."

"And who may I ask taught her how to drive, hm?"

"The better question is who taught you how to drive? You hit a parked car."

"And again, I am sorry."

"And what? . . . What the hell is this? Why does this smell spicy?"

"Um . . ."

"Why does your writing smell spicy? . . . Is this hot sauce?"

" . . . ."

"I think I'm going to - ATCHOO!! ATCHOO!!"

"Bless you. Bless you."

"Thank you. At least you're a polite hit and runner."

"I am a polite human being. I left you thirty dollars and a sincere apology note. Hold - hold on my bestfriend is calling me."

"No, I'm not holding on! We have important business to discuss!"

"Just give me a second, will ya? Geez."

"No, wait!"



"Did she just hang up on me?"

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