Chapter 12: Second Assignment

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According to a certain bluehead brother, my debtors expected me bright and early the next day.

When you shuffle in around noon still half asleep, it absolutely ruins their expectations. That is I, the guy who somehow fell asleep and didn't wake up until minutes before. I have no idea why I slept in. It's especially weird since I'm not one to even sleep in.

"You're late, Tristan," Cress comments. He's holding open the door of the front entrance. My eyes are barely open enough to make out that it's him standing in front of me. I half assumed based on the voice I can hear.

"What?" I mumble groggily. I hear Cress snicker. I fear the worst for my semi-asleep state. My eyes flutter open, knowing something is about to happen.

Suddenly, a gush of cold water squirts my face. My eyes shoot open to see a certain Panpour at my feet clapping happily to itself. My dripping face turns to Cress, who is now in plain sight.

Cress crosses his arms and shakes his head. "Tsk tsk tsk, Tristan. You yourself said you wanted to get this done and over with. And here you are late the successive morning."

"I don't see the issue..." I reply as I wipe my face in my jacket sleeve. I still feel moisture in my hair and on my neck. If I knew this would happen, I would've zipped up my jacket.

"You don't? Well, we were expecting you here again as soon as possible. And here you are lazing around like a Slakoth at high noon," Cress muses. He chuckles to himself as his Panpour at his feet continues to clap along.

"Well, think about it this way: the idea of tardiness itself being bad is wrong." I argue. "Officer Jennys don't start moving until a crime has already been committed. The hero? Usually ends up arriving late anyway. With that said, does anyone ever criticize them for being late? Rather, you could even say that tardiness is a form of justice."

"Such twisted logic of yours, Tristan. I expected as much," Cress says coolly. His one eye I can see seems to look right through me. I pull my jacket closer to my body and move towards an empty restaurant table and accompanying chairs. I'm ready to just get this next part done and over with.

I plop myself down at a table. Cress pulls the chair across from me out. It makes a scraping noise as he drags it across the floor. He sits down and rests his arms on the table. He leans forward in and looks up to me. A towel, I assume for checking the lobby, is over his left shoulder. The uniform, as usual, is crisp and clean without a single blemish. It makes it twice as unnerving.

I get straight to the point. "So, what's next?"

Cress chuckles to himself. He whips his around, showing off the questionable physics with his hairstyle.

"Next? You want your next assignment?" he asks me. I can obviously recognize taunting when I see it. I sigh loudly, expressing my exasperation. My gaze stares back at him.

"Yes. That's what I said. What's next?" I repeat. He glances over to his right, his lips pursed, as if he's in deep thought. Don't tell me he's thinking of something for me to do on the spot...

"Hmm...that's a good question..." he mutters to himself. For Arceus' sake, why does he have to try to form something quickly? He can easily give me the day off. Especially with his remark on my lack of punctuality.

Who isn't the prepared one now?

"We actually do have a small issue we need to clear up...what a happy coincidence," he chuckles.

"Right. Because that totally is a coincidence," I mutter, unamused.

"Yes, if you don't mind Tristan. This shall be your second assignment," Cress tells me. He motions towards Cilan, who is greeting the first guests of the day. They're also the last guests I want to see.

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