When They Want to Sleep With You

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It was night time and you were fast asleep in your bed, your hair fanned across the pillow as you took gentle breaths in and out, you were wearing a pair of shorts that reached your mid thighs and a shirt that revealed some of your belly, you sighed comfortably in your sleep as you shifted and turned over onto your side, unaware of your door slowly opening as a great weight leaned against it.

Your bedroom door opened, as the Anaconda slithered into your bedroom, letting a light hiss escape as it flicked it's long, forked tongue in the air, following your scent until it reached your bed, it raised it's head up until it hovered above yours, it's yellow eyes gazing at your sleeping face as it flicked it's forked tongue at your hair and face, tickling your nose slightly and making you shift around in your bed.

The Anaconda let out a light hiss before she moved to the foot of your bed, her head went under the covers and wrapped around your bare legs, after forming the first coil she wound her way up your body, coiling around your thighs, then your stomach and hips, pinning your arms to your sides before forming another coil around your chest and upper arms, the rest of the giant snake's body slid under the covers, it's long, muscular body barely fitting under the covers and making the bed groan in protest from the weight of her body.

You felt something move around you in your sleep, like something smooth sliding over your skin then you just felt warm and comfy, so you opened your eyes only to find a large, dark green coil wrapped around your body, you gasped in surprise before you felt the coils slide around your body allowing the snake's head to slip out from under the covers and lay beside you, it's forked tongue flicking out at your face again.

"(A/N)? What are you doing here, you should be in your own bed!" you scolded sleepily as you tried to get out of her grip and bring her back downstairs, however when you tried to wriggle free you felt her coils close in around you slightly, it was difficult to get out of her grip, the weight of the coils was enough to hold you down without giving a squeeze, you tried to wriggle free one more time, only to feel the coils squeeze tightly making you grit your teeth and shut your eyes from the pressure before they just as suddenly loosened, you let out a tired laugh at her antics, you had to deal with her clingy nature quite a bit and were used to her wrapping herself around you at any given time.

So you lay there, in the four thick bands of scale and muscle, trying to catch your breath and get comfortable, with the rest of the (A/N)'s body surrounding you, (A/N)'s head rose up slightly and gave you a look saying, "go back to sleep, I'm too comfy to move", making you sigh in defeat.

"Okay, fine... I guess this is a bit more comfy now... but, if my bed breaks your in big trouble!" you said as you relented and let the 40 foot long constrictor sleep in your bed, the snake rested her head down next to yours before you both fell asleep in a warm embrace.


You were exhausted after spending most of your day with (C/N), you had been swimming in the cool, murky water of Black Lake with (C/N) swimming around and beside you, while it had been a very enjoyable experience being in the cool water now you were exhausted, your limbs and body ached from all the exertion of swimming through the water, after that you had taken a warm shower to clean the lake water and dirt from your hair and body.

When you finished your shower, dried yourself with a fluffy towel and dressed in comfortable sleepwear, you sat just outside of your house watching as the sun sank beneath the horizon, painting the sky with different shades or orange and pink, you sighed sleepily as you gazed at the sky, your hand running over (C/N)'s long, scaly snout as gentle hisses escaped her nostrils, you felt tired and wanted noting more now that to go inside and climb into bed and sleep.

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