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Since I was a kid, I've longed for something.

Something very simple.

It was something I used to have but it was taken away from me.

I just wanted to have enough freedom to be able to buy a cake and celebrate my birthday on 'my' birthday with 'my' friends, my real friends.

Not people who know me as someone else, not in lavish parties among vicious people but somewhere simple, somewhere homely...

Somewhere I feel safe and happy.


The moon goddess abandoned her people when the werewolves chose to live freely with the humans and married whoever they wanted. The wolves wanted to be known for their better selves and abandoned the ways of their ancestors and just like that, they lost the ability to find their fated pairs, or perhaps, they no longer had a pair they were destined to be with.

The werewolves couldn't even communicate through their minds unless they shifted into their wolf forms. In return for their rise in power in the open world, they lost a lot, all to gain supremacy amongst humans.

And just like that, the concept of destined mates disappeared.

For most, it remained something their ancestors used to have.

While for many it was nothing more than a romantic concept. 




The sound of a hand colliding with a cheek echoed in my ears as my glasses came off and fell to the side. The force of the impact was enough to make me lose balance and fall to the furnished wooden floor.

"What did you say?" The dreadful voice of my mother made its way to me, "You won't go?" She had her eyes out as she glared at me, "What do you mean you won't go?" But I was too scared at the moment to respond to her. My left hand was on my left cheek, right over the skin where she had hit me.

My cheek stung, she didn't hold back at all when she slapped me hard across the face and the place had turned red.

"But," I gulped as a feeble voice came out of my mouth while I timidly tried to look back at her, "It's an Alpha academy..."

She continued to glare at me, "So?" Her voice held no remorse, "You're an Alpha too."

That's not true and we both knew that yet the title was enforced on me. I had no idea what more to say to her and so I just blinked at her in confusion.

"Don't look at me with those ugly eyes of yours." She drew out her claws and I panicked. Frantically I looked around for my glasses, grabbed them when I found the round thick glasses, and wore them back. That instantly calmed her down, "That's more like it." She smiled and I relaxed a little. Her sharp Alpha claws retreated back into her skin as she found her peace.

I gulped as I adjusted my glasses. They're not prescription glasses, just something I wear because I have to but it only does me more bad than good. Big ugly glasses that only end up making me a laughing stock. I wear them because I need them but no one can know this and no one will understand this. An Alpha? With glasses? People point fingers at me to make fun of me all the time but I need it. I need it because it hides my face. I need it even though stuff like this makes me an outcast.

"So?" Mother spoke again, "Your classes start next week-" She completely dismissed my words and began to talk again while I sat miserably on the floor, "Since you'll be staying in the dorms be sure to pack all the stuff you'll need."

My heart was heavy. I was greatly troubled because I knew I could land in serious trouble but this family wasn't giving me much choice.

"Wha-" I spoke softly but she talked over me.

"You're allowed to come home on weekends of course," She moved around the room making all kinds of hand gestures, "Not that I want to see your face here but we have a reputation to keep-"

"What if I get in trouble!" I spurted out cutting her words in between and then timidly looked back at her. She had paused in her stance and slowly turned to look at me.

"Why would you get in trouble?" Her eyes began to turn red as her blood boiled and she turned toward me, "Why?" She stomped her way toward me and crouched down to grab my face with her hand, "Why?!" She screamed as she glared at me again, "You can't get in trouble." She shook her head, "You're an Alpha and you will remain an Alpha."

"But-" She increased the force she had on my face and my jaws began to hurt.

"No buts," Her eyes glowed yellow, "You will go," She said in a rather low yet domineering tone, "And you will live there as our son."

"What's going on here?" Dad's voice made mother snap back to reality and she stood up with a jump. Putting a smile on her face she turned to face him.

"Darling~" She got all bubbly, "Mael here," She pointed at me, "Says he won't go to the Alpha Academy."

"What?" He raised his eyebrows at me completely ignoring my red cheek, "You won't go?" Dad was somewhat surprised, "Why not? It was always your dream." He looked so confused I had no idea how to react to it and when I didn't respond, his expression changed, "Amara won't like it," My heart dropped to the pit of my stomach, "If you don't go visit her." I felt my heartbeat speed up.

"I-I'll go!" I forced a smile on, "Of course, I'll go! It's every Alpha's dream after all." It was never my dream. It was the dream of your dead son—the one names 'Mael', the one whose place I'm forced to take.

He smiled at me, "Good boy." He was pleased, "I know you won't let me down." He walked to me and helped me stand up.

A pleasant smile was on his face, along with soft facial expressions but behind that mask was something cruel. Something I'm well aware of.

"I will do my best," I answered as I couldn't meet his eyes. He always uses Amara, my little omega sister, against me.

"That's my son." He patted my back and I just continued smiling.

I'm not your son.

I ate the words away.

I'm your daughter, who you're sending to a dangerous place. Because not only am I a female disguised as a boy, but I'm also an omega.

Omegas are the epitome of fragile beauty. From their looks to their scent, they drive Alphas crazy. This is why I can't go to the Alpha Academy. I'd be sharing a room with an Alpha there, a male Alpha at that and if anything goes wrong, the Omega, the weakest of the kind is always blamed.

I know I'm constantly given hormone injections and drugs for Alpha traits but changing identity isn't that easy. I'm a dominant omega after all, or, was a dominant omega... But still, with Alphas all around me, there's no telling what could happen.

Does it make any sense? An omega among Alphas? It's like a helpless sheep amongst wolves.

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