Filling the blanks

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The streets were mostly empty due to the heavy rain when I walked back to the mansion after dark. There were only two guards at the entrance who just gave me a glance and opened the door.

I had no idea where I lost my glasses but I don't need them anymore. What I was trying to hide with them is already all over the place.

Shivering like a little kitten about to die of cold I reached the porch. The sun had already set and everything was dark. And by that I mean everything.

No lights were on inside the mansion. Just a few outside, whose light made its way in. I opened the door and made my way to the dark lounge which was warmer for some reason even though the house is supposed to be empty.

In the dark place, I saw an orange glow, the reflection of which danced on the dark walls.


The fireplace was on and in front of it, sat a very familiar person.

My mom.

I stopped halfway and she noticed. The moment she saw me, she stood up to come to me but stopped when I asked her the question, "What are you doing here?" I was in an angsty mood but somehow seeing her did not make me feel any better.

'Nolan brought me back...' Mom slumped back down, 'I was waiting for you.' She patted the floor by her side, gesturing me to come over and sit there, 'You're drenched.'

Well, I guess Nolan must have thought this was for the best.

"..." I stared at her for a while, then went ahead and sat down near the fireplace. The warmth of the flames brought me relief from the bone-chilling cold and my body relaxed a little.

We sat there in silence for a while, there was no other sound to disturb us, not even the clocks since all the clocks are digital and they make no sound. I stared into the fire as the rumble of emotions inside of me tangled and fought.

A lot was on my mind but along with it, there was a weird sense of freedom.

The truth had been exposed, and although all I had built up came crumbling down, the lies had been exposed. Well, some of them at least.

"Say," I half looked at mom, "Something keeps bugging me." But my gaze was on the fire."


"You and dad have history, don't you?" I moved my eyes to look at her, "I remember him saying it was your fault." I glanced at her, "When you met him years ago. Before you had us."

The rain had gotten a little lighter outside but it was still pouring. Not wanting to attract any attention, we didn't turn on the lights and sat inside the orange glow that reflected off the fire from the fireplace in the lounge.

I quietly waited for her answer while trying to soothe myself with the aesthetic sound of rain.

'You're father was in love with Rachel.' She avoided looking at me, 'But when I saw him, I knew he was mine.'

"So, you're a fated pair?"

She nodded and I sighed.

I knew it. The day I saw them communicate with each other even though they were in human form I knew there was something I had missed. I couldn't understand then, how could they mind-link when they didn't even let their wolves out.

Since the day we were separated, I tried to make sense of it. I did some research and found out that fated pairs, when marked, can mind-link in human form too. I guess the moon Goddess left some blessings for some wolves.

I glanced at the back of her neck, the place she always keeps covered.

'I wanted him and I knew he was attracted to me as well because of the mate bond. How could he not be?'

"Did he mark you when he was forced into a rut?"

She nodded, "...." Then took a deep breath and then looked at the fireplace, 'You know how an omega's heat can mess with an Alpha's mind right?'

My eyes went wide at her words, "Mom..."

'For destined mates, the heat of one's mate is irresistible.'

"Oh, My God..." I frowned, "Mom!" I grabbed her face and made her look at me, "You forced a heat out in front of him?!" I got angry, "Why!?"

'It wasn't exactly forced, my wolf was excited when she saw him.'

"And the heat started on its own?"

She looked down, 'Seeing him stay away from me made me mad, it made my wolf mad. So I did take a small inducer but my wolf handled the rest.'

"And where did that bring us?" I felt my head throb, "Nothing good came out of it."

'What was I supposed to do?' Tears welled up in her eyes, 'He was mine! He is mine! The moon Goddess made him for me!' They fell down her cheeks, 'Would anyone else love a person like me?'

I paused at her words and then my gaze dropped. She put her hand under my chin and made me look at her talk.

'A deaf and mute omega,' Her body trembled as she signed the words, 'No one would even look at me to take me as a mate.' Her trembling bones sent shivers down my spine, 'But my beauty and scent incited men.'

My frown deepened, "Still mom..."

'He was mine,' She sniffled, 'But he never chose me.' The frown on her face was so deep, it pained me to look at her.

"That was wrong... I think..." I pursed my lips. Mom and dad are destined mates but dad was married to Rachel before they met. So what should he have done? "Maybe if you waited for a little bit..." I don't even know what I was saying. I, myself, am aware of how strong this bond is. I couldn't bear to be away from Eli for a few days... It must have been hell for mom to see his mate with someone else.

But Dad and Rachel were in love and happily married. So what should he have done?

I shook my head, I didn't have the answer.

'You say I did wrong. Yet he came when he needed you.' An angrier expression took over her face, 'Was that right?'

"No..." I folded my arms and turned to look at the dancing fire, "But then I went and did something stupid." I looked at the painting above the fireplace, "If I hadn't, I wouldn't have gotten stuck here."

Like mother, like daughter I guess. Makes sense. We made trouble for ourselves.

She grabbed my arm and tried to make me look at her.

"No!" I resisted, "That's enough!" I didn't want to talk to her anymore. I was upset, to begin with, and now knowing about this all made me feel miserable.

Nothing had a proper solution. There was no definite answer for any of the things that caused us problems.

And there was no defined villain...

"How does it feel?" Another voice reached my ears, "To know the truth?" I shot my head behind me and saw the person I dreaded seeing the most.


My stepmother

The Alpha Academy [Lost Mates Book 1]Where stories live. Discover now