It's Time

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*Three Months Later*

Jasmine's POV

I was definitely round like a ball. My C cup became a DD cup and my butt got huge. The baby's birthday was approaching so I had been preparing for his arrival.

Evan and I went to parenthood classes and exercise classes together

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Evan and I went to parenthood classes and exercise classes together. They taught us how to be excellent co parents so it doesn't have a negative impact on the child.

Evan was engaged Aria and set a wedding date for after the birth of the baby. He said he wanted his son to be apart of the wedding.

I'd learned to accept his engagement and decided to move on with my life once the baby arrived. Evan promised to get a place for us and put money into an account for me until I could get back on my feet and find myself another job. I was grateful for him, though I may not have had him to myself. He was a very wonderful man; he was amazing and had a heart, even after I broke it.

It was my fault for him not wanting another chance with me. I should have known better. I should have known Jessica Hills was doing everything to break us apart. She was in Evan's bedroom, but it was his bedroom at his parents house when they were back in high school. She'd edited the picture to make hit appear recent, and I was so blinded with rage and anger, I hadn't paid close attention to the background. I only read the caption and flipped out even more when I saw her hands on him at the gala.

I hated myself for quitting my job and walking away with Bradley's arms around me. 

I wouldn't have wanted me back if I was Evan, so I didn't blame him. There was only one person to blame. Me.

I had just taken a shower and finished blow drying my hair when I accidentally peed on myself again. Sometimes, I just couldn't feel it until it traveled down my leg.

I stepped back into the shower and washed myself over.

I towel dried my skin, applied lotion and wrapped my hair up in a bun. I put on a huge dress and sat down on my bed, listening to some smoothing pop music.

I felt a sudden pain in my stomach, and it wasn't the kicking type from the baby. I couldn't help but let out groans as I turned the iPod off and removed the earphones from my ears. I sat up, and the pain came again and again, and, suddenly, I realized the area I had been sitting in was wet.

"Evan!" I managed to call out through the pain. 

As the approximate due date came, Evan decided he wouldn't be going into work. He wanted to be there for the birth of the baby.

"Help!" I called again and my room door was pushed open.

"I heard you calling," Doris, one of the maids, said.

"Get. Evan," I said slowly and did my breathing exercise to bypass the sharp pains.

In less than a minute, Evan rushed into my bedroom.

"Is the baby coming?"

I nodded, yes.

I managed to walk to the car with Evan and Fisher guiding me every step of the way.

"Hurry, Evan! Drive!" I shouted from the back of the car when he tried to slow down for another vehicle passing by.


"WHEELCHAIR STAT!" a nurse shouted as she came up to Evan and I when we got into the maternity ward.

I was placed into a wheelchair and pushed towards a private delivery room for the arrival of the baby boy. Evan jogged behind us.

"Jasmine Blackman, Evan Hollen, I'm Doctor Hughman, and I'll be delivering your baby today," a friendly doctor said to us as I was placed onto a bed.

I felt my legs being stretched apart.

"Eight centimeters. Almost there," he said. "Nine centimeters. Get ready," he said, twenty minutes later.

The pain was unbearable.

How can some women have five and six kids? I asked myself.

"Okay, Jasmine, you're there. When I tell you to push, I want you to give me a really big push to crown the baby, okay?" he asked and looked underneath the sheets. "Okay Jasmine, push!"

I summoned up my strength and gave a mighty push. 

Evan looked on quietly while removing the sweat from my forehead with a towel.


"Okay. That was good. Now push again!"


I panted. I began feeling like my energy was being sucked away from my body and I couldn't push anymore.

"Jasmine. One more. Dig deep!"

"You can do it," Evan coached.

"ARRRGGGHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!" I dug deep down for it, and, it was after that push, I heard the sound of my baby boy crying.

The doctor wrapped him in a blanket.

"Would you like to cut the umbilical cord, Mr Hollen?" he asked Evan.

"Sure. Of course. Yes!" Evan became excited as he went over to the baby while I tried to regain some strength.

"Have you officially decided on a name?" Dr. Hughman asked.

"Yes, we have," Evan answered.

"Jevan," I said and smiled as Evan brought him over to me.

Jevan was the tiniest, most handsome little human being. His eyes remained closed so I was yet to see the color of them. His little hand wrapped around my fingers and he made the cutest cooing noises.

April 13th. He came into the world.

Tears of happiness welled into my eyes as I looked at him in my arms.

"Hi baby, it's Mommy. We've officially met," I said as the tears fell down my cheeks.

Evan looked on and his eyes seemed to shine at us. 

"Hey, little guy. It's Daddy," he said, leaning over and touching his small hand.

Jevan's eyes immediately flew open when he heard Evan's voice and I saw they were a luminous pair of grey.


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Credit goes out to PurpleReigning for the naming of the baby)
😊I love it.

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