2 † The Reason

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"The Spirit of the LORD will rest on him- the Spirit of wisdom and of understanding, the Spirit of counsel and of might, the Spirit of the knowledge and fear of the LORD-" - Isaiah 11:2 †

The chalk breaks in Dalton's eager hand as he finishes writing the word on the board.

With what's left of the white stick, he underlines it with a swivel movement. Dusting off the remnants on his hands, he looks onto the diverse kids in his classroom.

Abby, the youngest, at six years old. The oldest, Graham, at fifteen.

Twenty seats are filled with the children of the colony. The rest, over the age of Graham, work in the crops or with preparing the food--their education cut short, with the workload placed on them all.

Though Dalton's new here and one of five teachers who alternate, his work for the day won't end here in the classroom. He too had a night shift to take on in killing the infected outside the colony's high-rise walls.

Graham's hand raises, predictably in reaction to what Dalton has just written on the board.

Dalton points to him, "Yes, Graham."

"But Mr. Fallon, Professor Fisher told us that building a fire is a sure way to get us all killed."

Dalton's brow perks, "Oh yeah? How so?"

Graham replies, "He said that it would attract the zombies. They'd see it. And now, that it's a pretty well-known fact that zombies are learning our behavior and that they associate fire with humans."

Dalton takes his seat at the desk, ready to debate the intelligent kid that always had a debate to give. Behind him, the word 'fire' he's just written frames above his head and all the ways Dalton knew to start one.

"Two things, Graham. First, you're right and Professor Fisher is right but, only in the fact that zombies might be attracted to the fire. Fire gives off a sound, gives off light, so I see that point. However, to say that they learn our behavior is a debate for another day. Since, I for one, think that's nonsense since their nothing but walking corpses. I will say that, if you don't build a fire, you also risk death. You know, freezing to death, for starters. Not to mention, cooking food properly to make sure you don't get food poisoning or a harmful parasite, or for boiling water...."

Graham readies, leaning forward on his desk as he retorts, "Professor Fisher told us about heating stones with small fires. How we should use that for heat in the night when it's colder out."

It was often Dalton heard Fisher's name thrown around his classroom. In truth, he felt that the old man was far more capable of teaching all of the survival classes over himself.

"Well, perhaps Professor Fisher and I need to have a debate ourselves. Thank you, Graham."

Graham's hand raises again.

Dalton sighs before answering, "Yes, Graham?"

"Mr. Fallon," the boy starts again, "We were all told the virus was just a mutation of the flu virus. But, we've all heard the conspiracy theories about the government releasing it by accident. Even, that it was released on purpose by them. What do you think happened? Did they do this on purpose? Why did they create it in the first place?"

Though only half of the class was paying attention at this point, predominantly the older ones, Dalton feels the spotlight hit him once more. Unfortunately, it's a spotlight he doesn't want.

The teacher clears his throat. Stalling, for what he wants to say to these kids that won't scare them. So, other than his own conspiracy theories, he decides to tell them his only truth.

HIS EVE: The Aftermath Chronicles (Book Two)Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ