Chapter 11

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(Y/n)'s P.O.V. :

I just finished preparing breakfast for Black Hat, and right now, I just finished eating mine. I put the plates in the sink to wash them after breakfast. Black Hat walked in and sat down in his usual seat, eyeing me.

"Uhmm.... Sir, is something wrong?" I asked, gulping at his intense glare.

"Did you had fun yesterday?" He asked before taking a bite of his breakfast. My face lit up with a smile as I thought about yesterday, a chuckle escaped me remembering Jason getting drenched in wine by a waiter. He looked funny even though I had to stop him from killing the waiter. I suddenly became aware that Black Hat was watching me. I let out a cough.

"Y-yes sir, I had fun, thank you for letting me out by the way" I thanked him with a ghost of a smile present on my face.

"Did you had any nightmares or any weird dreams?" He asked, looking very suspicious. Why would he care if I had nightmares or not?

"No" I lied without hesitation. He was angered immediately, he stood up and banged his hands on table, making me jump and scaring me to death.

"Then why couldn't I enter your dreams!?!" He shouted out furiously. Does this have something to do with Insomnia? Since I last saw his face before waking up, perhaps he blocked Black Hat from going to my dreams so as not to make them worse, if they weren't already.

"Sir! Calm down, this anger does not suit someone as mighty as you" I tried to calm him, and it seemed to work. He calmed down, but his eyes were shining with pride. Vain glory......

"So, you think I am mighty, huh?" He asked with a smirk. I hid a sweatdrop and I decided to go along as I slowly trudged closer to the wall beside me.

"Yes sir, you are mighty, and cruel, which is a good thing for a feared villain like you" I said faking a fearful look, faking a small shudder which turned real as I remembered the dream.

"Everyone is afraid of me? And they love me for my evilness?" He asked, the pride in his eyes brightening.

"Indeed sir, you got it right" I nodded, wow, he is more narcissistic than I thought. He stared in my eyes with a smirk, a playful glint in his eyes. He walked up to where was I standing and trapped me in the corner. S***! He looked directly into my eyes and soul, holding my shoulders. Now, I was scared, my guard higher up than the sky itself.

"Say, what am I to you?" He asked, sending goosebumps down my back, and not the good type.

"M-my boss?" I said meekly. He looked disappointed, he shook his head.

"M-my employer?" Another shake of head, he looks impatient. I understood what he wants me to say, goodness no, it's so weird to speak that word.

"Say, what am I to you?" He asked again, playful, but impatient as he held my shoulders tightly, well, tighter than before.

"M-m-my.... my" I stuttered badly, I don't want to speak that wreched word!

"Your?" He raised an eyebrow, his eyes shining with something I can't recognize, a huge smirk on his face. Oh god, I'm glad I watched Fate series, it makes me feel better about this stupid words, I am nobody's servant for sure.

"My master" I closed my eyes and covered my face, it's so embarrassing, especially coming from my own mouth. I felt him remove my hands from my face.

"Open your eyes" I heard him say, I just opened my eyes keeping my guard up. "Say it again" his face was really close to me, and he was smirking, really big.

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