10 A

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(A/N: There are two different scenarios to this chapter, and it depends on your choice. If you choose to stay with Akari, read 10 A. If you choose to escape from Akari, read 10 B.)

Akari's crazed smirk disappeared as she saw my face.

"Are you that scared of me...?" Akari looked hurt.

"Am I...hurting you? Because if you are hurt, then so am I. I just.....want to support you. But, it seems like everything I do is wrong..."

"That's right, this is so wrong" I coldly replied.

"Then....what should I do?! What should I do so that you'll love me?! I....I just want...you to love me..." Tears formed in her eyes.

She was close to me, so I grabbed her hand with my free hand and pulled her towards me.

"You don't have to do anything...because I already love you" I hugged her tight while blushing.


"I've also liked you for a while, you always cheer me up when I'm upset and are there for me. You've complimented me, but honestly I think you've done more for me than I have for you. You're really important to me...So, please don't do things like this. You don't have to hurt anyone or do outrageous thing like locking me up...I'm already dedicated to you, and other people don't matter to me"

With a murmur of what seemed to be a mix of eagerness and surprise, Akari hugged me back.

"I'll always treasure you! I seriously, seriously love you (y/n), I'm so happy!"

She let go of me and looked at me with a flushed face. While taking off the handcuffs, she spoke.

"I promise never to do anything ridiculous like this again. I won't try to hurt anyone like that as well. I'll do everything you tell me too! All I need is your love, (y/n)"

She looked at me lovingly, almost imitating a dog serving its master. I didn't know she could become so obedient suddenly, I'm not sure how to feel about this.

"A-anything?" I asked.

"Yes, that's right! If it's for you, I'll do anything"

"Then...how about we...go on a date?"

"I'll love to! Let's go right away!" She smiled.

I must be crazy, going on a date with the person who just kidnapped me. But, she tempted me with the "I'll do anything."

We ended up going to the movies, and Akari bought popcorn and two drinks. The movie began, and it was pretty interesting. I drank my soda with a straw, and then placed it down. Yet, when Akari was about to grab a soda, instead of grabbing hers she grabbed mine. Could this be...?

She placed her lips on the same straw that I drank from. Isn't that an indirect kiss? I wanted to say something, but when I looked at Akari she just grinned so I said nothing.

Another thing that made me so embarrassed was when I placed my hand on the arm rest, Akari decided to do the same thing and ended up holding my hand.


Her soft hands warmed mine, and I couldn't possibly shake her hand off.

All those horrible feelings that I had before, and all those unpleasant things Akari did seemed like they happened, and faded from my mind. I am glad to have a girlfriend!

After the movie ended, Akari confronted me about something.

"You know how you needed to pay me back for that time you looked through my stuff?"

"Ugh, you still remember that..."

"Well, I'll like to take my payment now"

"What do you-?"

My eyes widened, and my cheeks turned into a shade of pink. Her strawberry flavored lips were touching my own lips, and to add more effect Akari held the back of my head with her hand. Instead of pulling away immediately like I thought she would, she brought me closer to her.

"He, he" She giggled at me when she finally let go.

Seriously, how can she be so pure and corrupted at the same time? Akari always surprises me.

My happiness was overflowing, and so was hers. At this moment, all that mattered was Akari, and all that mattered to Akari was me. We were finally complete, the missing piece of her puzzle was me, and she was mine. Together, we can support ourselves and be able to create something beautiful.

The End.

Thanks for the support and thanks for reading! <3

Please look forward to new works of mine in the future.

Yandere Female x Female ReaderOnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora