Family Affairs

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"I cant believe this!" Jessica growled as she stood in the living room sweeping up shards of glass. After finding the rose on the doorstep I quickly threw both it and the note away while Jessica called the cops and reported the incident. They guessed that the incident was either random by local teen gangs or some sort of bullying but they couldn't do much to help either way. Looking back I probably should've shown the police the note that was left behind but at that moment what I wanted more than anything was for the whole admirer thing to just disappear. I didn't want to get blamed for anything and I didn't want my parents to find out about the texts I had been receiving. I just wanted it to all go away.

"What should we do about the window?" I ask as I helped Jessica by throwing away the swept up glass.

"For now we can cover it with a sheet and mom and dad can have it fixed later." She says as she gestures for me to go and get a sheet from the closet. I do so but as I am pulling out the sheets I notice a small box tucked under one of the pillow cases. I pull it out and am surprised to be holding a cartoon of cigarettes with several missing.

"Are these yours!?" I yell at Jessica as I run back into the room. Jessica sees the box and a small glimpse of guilt flashes over her face before it is replaced by a smug sneer.

"Why am I the first you accuse? They could be dads."

"Dads been gone for a month and I'm positive there weren't there last week so they must be yours."

Jessica sneers again as she puts down the broom and walks over to me. She snatches the box from my hand and slips it into her jacket pocket.

"You cant tell mom." Jessica says with a pout as she turns to flee to her room. I follow her, stopping her just as she was about to close the door on my face.

"Why do you have those?" I ask as she huffs and collapses on her bed.

"To smoke." She says simply.

"You cant smoke! If mom found out she'd-"

"She won't find out though because no one here is going to tell her." Jessica says cutting me off. I growl at her in protest but she ignores me as she slips the cartoon of cigs under her bed.

"Are you okay? You've been acting weird lately." I say as I move further into the room despite the little voice in my head warning me to avoid this conflict and leave now while I still had the chance.

"How so?" Jessica asks.

"You're are always out at parties, you act irritable and shameless, and you smoke-"

"How would you know all that?"

"Natalie told me."

Jessica growls a the mention of her friend as she flips her head to the side and moves to walk past me.

"Look." She says as she stops with our bodies inches apart. "I dont tell you what to do with your little boyfriend and you dont tell me how to live my life. We may be twins but we arent the same person. We share a face not a life so you best back off and stop acting like you know whats best for me." She scoffs as she quickly strides past me and down stairs. I can hear the front door slam open and close as she gets in her car and drives away leaving me standing there with this empty feeling in the pit of y stomache.

"I was only trying to help." I say to myself as I retrieve the cigarettes from under her bed and throw them in the trash downstairs just as mom returns from work.

Time skip.

Its hours past midnight and I am awakened by the sound of car tires screaching to an abrupt stop outside the house. I lazily stand up out of bed and stumble towards the window. Outside there is a red truck parked on the curb. With the ligts on inside I can see two teenagers making out in back as the driver jumps out of the car. I cant make out his features in the dark but he quickly trots around to the other side of the car to help a girl out of the front seat. I imediatly roll my eyes and sigh as I recognize the obviously intoxicated teenage girl.

"Jessica's home." I say to myself as I pull on a bathrobe over my pajamas and walk downstairs. Mom is already greeting Jessica at the door with a stern look on her face as my sister stumbles into the house. Behind her a guy follows a step behind. He is abnormally tall with pale skin and deep black hair that curls around his face and ears. He has blue eyes and a small set of brown freckles decorated across his nose. He looks shy despite his size and has his arms held out to hold Jessica steady and keep from falling as she attempts to walk inside.

"I'm so sorry." The boy says to my mother. "I'm afriad she drank just a bit too much."

Mom eyes the boy and her expression softens as she sees the genuine concern in his eyes. 

"Its not your fault. I just wish my daughter had better manners is all." Mom hufff as Jessica gives up on walking and collapses on the front step. The boy wastes no time snaking his arms under her waist and knees and lifting her up as he carries her inside.

"Should I just put her on the couch?" He asks shyly as mom nodds and he sets her down on the couch while I rush to the kitchen to get a glass of water. I come back and the boy has his shoulders hunched as he repeatedly apologizes to my mother.

"Its not your fault." Mom repeats. "Now tell me, whats your name and who are you?"

"I'm Philip. I'm Jessica's boyfriend."

"JESSICA HAS A BOYFRIEND!" My mom and I screach causing Jessica to whine and clutch at her throbbing head.

"Why so looouuuuud." She whines. "Let'us all be quiet." I hand her the water and she gulps it down thankfully as Philip pacing in place.

"How long have you and my daughter been dating?" Mom asks. The boy glances at his watch and counts back on his fingers.

"About three hours." He answers and mom sighs.

"Well its nice to meet you Philip but it's late and you should head home."

"A-alright." He stutters as he quickly turns on his heel and rushes for the door.

"Bye Philly!" Jessica calls as she watches him get in his car and drive away. She then collapses back on the couch as she begins a whining session on how they should replace all water with booze so no one would ever get hungover and we can achieve world peace. It didnt make sense but I nodded along all the same until she passed out and I went back to sleep.

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