30.Let's talk about this like businessmen

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Turning I came face to face with my elder brother,Leo.He had a look of anger on his face and I knew I was in for it.He was the cool brother but that doesn't mean that he wasn't strict on me at times.

"Leo!Ummh...Top of the morning to ya!"I faked an English accent.I was anxious.My anxiety caused me say the lamest greeting in the world in a horrible English accent.

"Andrea,"he said.His voice held great dissappointment"You lied to me,I thought you would never betray me like this.We are family and you are not supposed to keep secrets from family."

"Give the girl a break Leonardo"a familiar feminine voice said from behind my brother " do you not think her father will reprimand her enough."

Maria emerged from behind my brother and came up to hug me.As usual Maria was dressed to kill.She adorned a red dress that showed just the right amount of cleavage and made her curvy body look even better.Her black heels went well with her toned legs and the earings she wore brought out her dark orbs.

"Good to see you Maria...and I am sorry I kept this from you Leo.I was just worried that you,Marco,Alex and dad would not accept the relationship.Você nunca aceita nenhum dos meus relacionamentos(You are never accepting of any of my relationships.)"I spoke in Portuguese for emphasis.It is a language I rarely speak,most of the time I speak it when my family is around especially my grandmother,Andrea.I am actually named after her.

"It is not me you should be worrying about, prepare to get an earful from Alexander,he hates Damon...and father will be angry."

"Is he here?"I question searching the drawers of my desk for the file.

"I doubt it.He and I arrived from the site pretty late last night and he went home after.Marco and Alexander got in early this morning "he informed me"they most likely have not checked the news but I am sure they will find out soon enough.I highly advice you to end the relationship with this man."

"Leonardo!"Exclaimed Maria in a stern voice " can't you see the girl is in love?The least you can do is take her side in all of this chaos."My future sister-in-law really knew how to control her man.My brother shut his mouth.

"As much as I love you irma I still do not support your decision to be with that man(sister)."Marco said entering the room.I ran up and hugged him tightly ignoring what he said.

"Why didn't I get a hug?"Leo asked pretending to be emotionally hurt.

"I am so happy to see you....of course I am not happy with the your choice of boyfriends"he said with a look of dissapointment.

Marco and Leo were usually easy going and they took things little when it came to me.They always took my side and understood me but Alex was always like a parent.Of course all my siblings were overprotective but Alexander's overprotectiveness was like a disease with no cure.Other than that Alex was a quiet person.

I told everyone that we should leave my office before we were late to the meeting.Marco informed me that he doubted that my dad and Alex had had a chance to even read the newspaper or the gossip columns online.So chances were they did not know yet.

Most people had come to the conference room and all the preparations had been made for the meeting.We were just awaiting for my dad to get there.


Everyone gathered in the main boardroom at Castro EnterprisesAll the members of the board were their and so were the shareholders including me.

I was no longer a silent partner since Sebastian Castro and I discussed it and he agreed for me to be a general partner in the company.He also made it clear that I should not even think about approaching his daughter.

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