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I squeezed my eyes tightly as I felt the last strings of sleep slowly vanish. I slowly opened my eyes to be greeted by light.

"My God," I groaned, "Who the hell created light?" I mumbled as I climbed out of bed.

I stomped over to the curtains and pulled them shut with brutal force.

I definitely woke up on the wrong side of the bed.

With slug like movements, I all but dragged myself to the en suite. I got undressed while groaning, my body begging me to go back to bed.

After a short shower, I wore on a pair of faded jeans and one of my favorite hoods. Running my hand over my tangled hair I sighed and decided to tie it up.

Slipping on my tennis shoes, I walked towards the door and put my hand on the knob, ready to open it.

I froze for a second and glanced at my bed.

My comfortable, warm, fuzzy little bed.

Not being able to help myself I all but sprinted to my bed and leaped off the ground. Landing on the soft material, I sighed in content and closed my eyes as I lay on my back.

I feel like I'm forgetting something.

My eyes popped open and I wracked my memory to see what it was I was forgetting.

It felt as if a bucket of ice water was thrown at me. Suddenly what I was forgetting popped up into my mind and I gasped at the realization.

We were going to meet up with Adrian!

I ran for the door and threw it open. Running down the hallways I headed towards Tate's office and banged on the door loudly.

"Tate!" I yelled.

When no answer came I rolled my eyes and pushed the door open.

Stumbling in, I looked around the room and abruptly stopped as I glanced around the area.

No one was in sight. Tate wasn't in his usual spot and papers were neatly stacked on his desk, untouched.

My mouth was open ready to yell his name, but when no one was in sight I shut my mouth and stood up straight.

I narrowed my eyes as I glanced at the clock hanging up on the wall.

"Tate," I sneered as my eyes didn't leave the clock, "-you better not have left without me!"

With a little growl I spun around and raced out of Tate's office and the building itself.

I saw the forest in the distance and pushed myself further, the green tree's passing me in a blur.

I followed the route from yesterday and saw the familiar tall trees and made out hushed voices.

Much to my dismay, I spotted Tate and Colin talking to one another, while Dale and Tom glanced around the area repeatedly.

"Alpha, you say its a trap yet we are here," Tom exclaimed and my steps slowed as I neared.

"Yes. I did. But I'm not going to sit and wait around for him to make his move," Tate replied in a voice like stone.

"You know, maybe the note was left for someone else," Dale mumbled, leaning on a tree as he huffed looking bored.

Everyone decided to ignore him and stay put in silence. I fumed in rage and stomped forward towards them and that made all there heads snapped to mine.

"If it isn't our favorite bundle of joy!" Colin cheered as he gave me a huge grin.

I ignored Colin and marched up to Tate. I was in no mood for fun and games.

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