Mr Smiley Loves To Play

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I'd just got in from a raging house party and I climbed through the window, when the lights turned on and there on the sofa, with a half cup of coffee was my mum and my little sister of 6 months old cradled up in her arms, she gave me a evil stare as I dipped my head into my shoulders and marched up to my bed room, getting to my bedroom and shutting the door I shut the door softly as to not wake my father or I would really be in trouble.

Falling into my bed with a sigh of relief, I undressed as I was about to get into bed, my mum walked past and knocked on my door good night and carried on into her room which was adjacent to mine, not that I noticed because I was too busy trying to undo my buttons on my shirt and get to bed, I got into bed but I wasn't that tired so I sat up for what felt like a while but to my clock it was only a few minutes had past, I sat staring at the ceiling thinking about all life's greatest problems such as "am I cool" and "does this girl like me" as normal teens these days do, I started beginning to fig-it in bed trying to get comfy so I could finally close my eyes and drift off to sleep.

I finally got comfy and was about to close my eyes when out of nowhere I heard a knock at my door, it was 10 past 12 at night so I know it couldn't have been my mum or dad as they fall asleep quite early in the night unless they wait up for me but they are still asleep before 11, I opened the door and it was my little, lively 6 month old sister, with her hands up in a hugging motion, I picked her up and brought her into my room and started playing with her, she didn't seem tired or even bothered that it was way past her bed time and even past mine but I hadn't spent much time with her so I didn't mind spending a little extra time with her if it meant she was happy and to the joy on the face she was, every night, if I'm not out late,  I will stay up a little late to play with her until she goes to bed and she seemed to enjoy it every time I would so I didn't think to stop, this would also allow for my mum and dad to get some well needed rest.

We were playing as I glanced at the clock and it rung at half 1 in the morning and it dawned to me that I had college early in the morning this morning and should have really got some sleep, so I picked up my little sister and got ready to take her into her own room when she wiggled out of my arms and fell onto my bed, she started crawling away, to her this was all just a game, I chased her around the room for what I thought was around 10 minutes before accidentally opening the door and for her to dart out of the room and down the stairs, I quickly made sure she was okay and to my surprise, she was gone, I walked slowly down the stairs and all the draws were open making a make shift stair case for her to get into the cookie stash hidden in the kitchen, I walked slowly pretending that this was a game, walking past the cub-bored a few times before then finally opening the cub-bored to show a young little girl but not my sister, she looked a lot like my sister but she had long hair and her faced looked more masculine, she jumped out of the cub-bored onto my shoulder and with great force, I couldn't get her off as she was making her grip tighter and tighter squeezing my shoulder, crushing it and feeling my shoulder pop out of place, I cried out and with all my strength, pulled her off and onto the floor, clutching my shoulder I didn't have time before she said in a loud screeching voice "MR SMILEY LOVES TO PLAY, will you play with him" she continued to chant this and her body started forming and becoming less and less like my sister, I felt my mind slip and I uttered a huge blood curdling scream.

Stood in front of me was what use to be my little 6 month old sisters remains, covered in blood and cuts across her body, problem was, she didn't look like she'd got past 2 months before she had been taken as her skin was rotted and not much of her hair was left, I fell to the ground as the large humanoid creature stood above me looking at me dead in the eye and uttered a few simple words before sinking his shark-like teeth into my shoulder tearing the skin, bone and anything that was left apart, before I slowly bled to death, I muttered a few words that were unconsciously spoke and I didn't even know what they meant to me, "Mr Smiley's is my Friend".

Now I know your thinking this story didn't happen and you maybe right, but all I want to say is


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