Chapter 3 - The Story

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Chapter 3 - The Story

Damien POV

I sat down on the sofa next to her and held her hand in my own and gently ran my thumb over the bruise on her wrist.

She drew in a shaky breath and then slowly let it out, "Okay, so I guess I should start at the beginning", she paused again, "When I was younger I had an amazing mum and dad that took care of me and loved me and a big brother that would do anything to help me. Then when I was 13 my mum found out she was pregnant again and everyone was so happy we held a party, and everything piled up on my mum, everyone surrounding her and asking questions and breathing down her throat, she always had a heart problem and with everything happening she had a heart attack. Right there in the middle of the party her heart stuttered to a stop, I was with her, I watched her eyes roll to the back of her head, I watched her fall and I watched as my mum died." she paused and took a deep breath.

"My dad couldn't cope, he couldn't deal with the loss of his mate and unborn baby, he shot himself. I found him, laying in his own blood. I was always a daddy's girl, but that didn't matter to the pack, I was there when my mum died and I found my dad dead, they instantly turned against me, thinking I killed them both. My brother, Jace, turned against me, along with the whole pack, I was alone, used as a punch bag, slave and homework completer. I was no longer with people who cared about me but people who thought I was worthless and useless. They called me names that I wish not to repeat. I was whipped with a horse whip wrapped in silver, and I was beaten daily even by adults. I lived in Hell" she whispered at the end, my heart broke for her as I listened to her story.

"Then today is my 18th birthday and the day I'm meant to shift. I haven't yet and I don't want to because I know how much it will hurt because my mate rejected me and won't be there to help me. My mate as the Alpha, he was friends with my brother when we were younger, we all would get along and then everything happened and then today, at school, in front of everybody...he rejected me, saying I was ugly, fat and worthless to him and everyone else. Him rejecting me sent me over the edge, I always knew I would run away one day but I never could, I tried once and they beat me senseless, I never tried again, they never allowed me to have a car, saying I should run and walk more to lose weight, I secretly brought my car and it was the one thing that showed me that I can do this and if I needed to I could run" she said quietly just above a whisper but I could hear her clearly. "Then him rejecting me gave me the courage to run and escape my hell. When I was far enough away from them that they wouldn't be able to contact me and order me to go back I ran through the woods to let off some built up energy and then you found me."

Silence lapsed over us.

"You're really brave you know that'' I stated and brought her into a hug "But don't put up a brave face, if you ever need to talk or find a person to talk to you have me, Josh, Jacob, Daniel, anyone else in the pack even little Tim and his mum" I whispered into her ear. I felt her nod her head and then felt dampness seeping through my top where her face was, her body started shaking as sobs escaped her mouth as she buried her face into my neck. I pulled her tighter to my body and started rocking her back and forth and started cooing in her ear to calm her down.

Eventually Skylar fell asleep, gently I picked up her bridal style, her head still in my neck, I opened the door as quietly as I could and then walked down the corridor that was bare as everyone was having dinner by now.

Once I was in Skylar's room I laid her on her bed and tucked her under the covers, I looked around and saw that Jacob and Daniel had put away some things and there was a photo on her bed side table, it was of a man, woman and two children. The man and woman looked so happy together and her smiling brightly at the camera and then the two children, one a girl and one a boy had their arms around each other pulling funny faces and happiness shone from their eyes as they looked at the camera also, they were at a lake that was surrounded by trees and had blue sky above them. I smiled as I recognised the girl as Skylar. I reach out and ran my finger over the frame that looked home made with a carving in it;

'Never give in. Don't let anyone knock you down. Fight for what you believe in'

I smiled sadly and place the picture down

"We went to the lake that day" Skylar whispered from the bed, I hadn't noticed she had woken up "Me" she said pointing at the little girl "My brother Jace" she pointed at the little boy "My mum and my dad" she pointed at her mum and dad "It was my mum and dad's anniversary, I was 13, and Jace was 14, we had a picnic and played hide and seek. That is the last picture we ever took together. It is all I have left apart from my dad's picture frame and my mum's ring" she whispered and showed me her right hand where a gold ring sat on her middle finger.

I smiled at her "It is beautiful"

"I miss them" she said as she looked at the picture as she sat next to me, her head on my shoulder "Everyday I wish for them to come back, they never do" she said as a tear dripped from her eye, I caught it on her cheek and she smiled at me.

"They won't come back but they can live on forever and will always be watching down on you" I whispered

She nodded and sniffed

"Now come on little one, let's go and have some dinner with the pack" I said , making her giggle and nod again.

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