Chapter 48 - Bats and Blood Spiders

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Somewhere in Dragonwall's Wilderness

Kane watched sets of jagged peaks slide by beneath him, so sharp they would skewer any man unlucky enough to topple upon them. The air was thin, the kind that required deep breathing but never really filled you. He stretched his lungs wide. Wrath's wings labored beneath his weight, flapping powerfully before extending his pinions to catch the wind. The dragon was unused to baggage and told him so very scornfully.

They flew to a set of caves carefully chosen from his prized map. Today, his dark blue Dragon Stone was going to a new home, a safe home. He reached beneath his cloak to stroke its glassy surface. It responded to his touch, radiating scalding heat, feeding from his energy, swallowing up all that he gave it. His greed, his desires, his malice.

"See it there?" He pointed as he spoke to Wrath, even though the dragon could not see his outstretched hand. "The cave's opening is ahead. Set me at the mouth." Wrath begrudgingly agreed. Like the Sprites, the Asarlaí possessed a unique ability, well, they possessed many unique abilities, but this one allowed them to communicate with dragons if they wanted. Of course the dragons had to be equally compliant, for it was a reciprocal situation. One could not hear a dragon's thoughts if the dragon did not intend for it.

Wrath landed. He slid down the dragon's scaly hide and set out to explore the depths of the mountain. It was a dark place in many ways, with bats that liked eating man-flesh, and red colored blood spiders larger than his hand. On his way out, he would ensnare a few for his experiments.

Moving carefully, he made his way to the lowest part of the cavern. There was a lake, perfect for concealing a small stone like the one he carried. He set about the magical wards that would deter curious eyes from coming near the body of water. Thrice he walked the lake's perimeter muttering incantations. He walked until he felt the invisible strands of his magic take form. Wards were useful forms of magic. Unless a person knew the Stone was there and was intent on finding it, the wards would send explorers away, tricking their mind and rewriting their curiosity until they suddenly found themselves very far from where they had originally intended.

He did the same to the Stone. Fish in dark places were often hungry enough to eat stones. He put wards around himself too, because getting eaten would not be pleasant. Then he swam out into the lake, diving deep, deep, deeper, until he reached the bottom. There he placed the Stone upon a rocky surface. With his mind, he commanded it to stay put, and it would, for magical objects listened to him when he commanded them.

The flight back to Shadowkeep was longer than he wished. Wrath was heavier now, carrying cages he had conjured to house some of the unique beasties from the cave. The spiders would give him potent venom for poisons, but it was the bats that most excited him. Oh yes, they would come in handy. He could allow them to multiply and grow with magic until they were giant winged creatures. They would make great weapons in the war to come. How sweet it would be to see one gobble up the king's soldiers whole. He bared his teeth in a strained smile—if you could call it that.

Since King Talon's interference with his Nasks, his mood was foul at best, and today was no exception. Even though one Stone was successfully hidden, even though he carried dangerous critters that would be ever so fun to use against his enemies, even though he should have been happy for the destruction to come, his mind writhed with hatred and anger.

When he'd begun his efforts, the idea of ruling ensnared him. How powerful, how formidable he could be. With control of the kingdom, he would send humans of non-magical blood through the gates and fulfill the destiny his forefathers intended. The desire imprinted itself upon his heart, rooting deep within. But now, something sounded remarkably more alluring: punishment, revenge, and pain.

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