Transmigrator Meets Reincarnator

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Comedy Drama Historical Josei Romance


All Chu Lian had done was to read a book where the female lead had cheated on her wonderful husband. While wondering why, before she knew it, she was waking up in the body of that very same female lead!

Wait, did that mean the handsome husband from the book was hers now? Chu Lian decided to welcome him with open arms!

However, what she got wasn’t the kind husband she had been expecting. Instead, his personality seemed to have been completely flipped! He left her all alone on their wedding night… and just five days into their marriage, her dear husband abandoned his loving wife and left to enlist in the army!

Fine! Be that way! She could pass her days perfectly well somehow, even if she had to do it alone!

Chu Lian put her household in order, charmed the rest of her new family, and did a little business on the side. She even opened up some new trade routes! Her days passed peacefully and leisurely… Until her dear husband got into trouble at the frontline of the war.

Hmph, isn’t he crawling back to me for help in the end? Forget it, I’ll go save him myself!

A/N: I used to read this novel but I forgot about it. Now, I need to re-read it😩. You should try it! It's beautiful ≧∇≦.

It's the story that you didn't know you always wanted --

What happens when a girl who has transmigrated into a story as a loathsome character meets a man who has reincarnated and holds a grudge against her?

●Chu Lian read half of a book in which the female main character cheated on her good husband. When she suddenly wakes up in the body of that female MC on their wedding night, she's thrilled -- a chance to have a wonderful transmigrator life with her hot new hubby!

●However, little does she know that her husband has been reborn, too... into his younger self. Looking at the woman he loved, who betrayed and cuckolded him for another man... In his first life, he was kind and trusting, but now that he's gone back in time, he's out for revenge!

Here are some points that I like:

•The main character is level-headed and not over-powered. She's just a practical, business-minded orphan from the modern world. She only read half of the novel she transmigrated into, so she can't predict future events and needs to figure out her own way to fit in.

•Because her tastes are picky from eating good modern food, and her knowledge of internet recipes, she sets out to improve the food she eats in her new life. Great for food-loving readers!

•The male lead is enraged at her original character, and he is very standoffish, rude, and threatening to her at first. But his funny/awkward attempts to slight her (that usually end up backfiring on himself instead) make him endearing.

•The pacing of the story is nice and exciting without feeling rushed.

•The translation quality is excellent.

Not many chapters are out at the time of this review, but I'm already hooked! I will update this review later, but for now -- highly recommended!

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