Chapter 10 - Xavier

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I don't know who was feeling more murderous. Me or Alexander. As soon as we walked into the restaurant where Harper and I had our blind date, The Grill by Sean Connolly, it's like everyone's eyes followed our every movement. Now I'm not the most vain guy in the world but I knew that women wanted me, the same could be said about Alexander who also had women giving us their best bedroom eyes. What really pissed me off for no apparent reason at all was the fact that every man in the room seemed to be undressing Harper as we stood waiting for the maître d to lead us to our table. I felt the urge to wrap a protective hand around her to warn all these other men off, but I knew I had no right to, and it felt weird wanting to do so because I couldn't stand the girl. Alexander beat me to it though and I was glad for his intervention because I almost gave into my impulse to do what he just did. He shot a murderous look at all the men around the restaurant and they immediately looked anywhere else but at Harper. Alexander then whispered something in her ear which made her laugh and roll her eyes at him. He wrapped a protective arm around her and the three of us followed behind the maître d who led us to our table.

Macy and Brian were already there and Macy ran straight to the three of us greeting us with a hug and kiss. I shook hands with Brian and Alexander did some type of man hug with him and Harper greeted Brian with a chaste kiss on the cheek.

"About time you guys arrived. I was so close to ordering your least favourite dishes to pay you all back for arriving so late," Macy scolded while taking her seat.

Alexander pulled out an empty chair between two other empty chairs for Harper and we both flanked either side of her.

"Calm down sweetheart, they're only a minute late," Brian came to our defence.

"Hmph. You're always taking other peoples side babe," Macy argued.

Before they could get into an argument, I interrupted saying, "Sorry sis, traffic was bad and it was a mission trying to find parking."

Brian sent me a silent thank you for stopping the argument he knew he and my sister were about to get into.

"No worries bro, I'm just glad you guys are here now." Turning to Alexander she said, "How does it feel being back in New Zealand after almost a whole year away at training camps and whatever else you big macho men get up to?"

Alexander turned to Harper and pulled on one strand of her hair replying, "It's been real nice. It feels good to just wake up have breakfast and be lazy all day. I'm so used to getting up in the morning having a big breakfast and spending most of my day at the gym or sparring with other people at the training camp. Then most nights I'll be with my physiotherapist and I'd be so drained I just doze off. I get up the next day and it's a repeat of the day before. So it's good to just see my two favourite girls and just relax. Plus Harper's made me her guinea pig again, but I ain't complaining," he finished with a big smile on his face.

Macy laughed, "I remember those days when I'd go over and visit and I'll find you sitting in the couch about to burst after all the food she'd shoved down your throat."

"Hey, I had no complaints. As a matter of fact you also loved to be my guinea pig or taste tester as you liked to be called," Harper said with a displeased look on her face but failing miserably when she tried to keep her laughter at bay.

"God I miss those days. In a way I'm glad that I don't always see Harper because if I see her any more than I already do, I won't be able to move around in the octagon and I'll probably weigh as much as a whale."

"Me too, I always do twice as much cardio after Harper's made dinner, but it's totally worth it," Macy said smiling softly at Harper and Alexander.

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